Yulene Olaizola

Yulene Olaizola

geb. 1983
Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico


Yulene Olaizola has directed, written and produced five feature films. The first, the documentary Intimidades de Shakespeare y Victor Hugo (Shakespeare and Victor Hugo's Intimacies, 2008) premiered at the BAFICI and competed in Horizontes Latinos at San Sebastian, where it received a special mention. Since then, she has directed four fictional films: Paraísos artificiales (Artificial Paradises, 2011), shown at the Rotterdam Festival, Fogo (2012), selected for the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs at the Festival de Cannes, Epitafio (2015), screened at Tallinn Black Nights, and Selva Trágica (Tragic Jungle), shown in the Orrizonti section at the Venice Festival.

Festival de San Sebastián

Vrouwelijke regisseur



