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  • Drama
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Laatste recensie (7 554)


Yu Yu Hakusho (2023) (serie) 

Engels No, what can we say, it was a terrible mess. But for me, it was a very entertaining mess, which surprised me immensely, because I didn't expect much from a Japanese comic book. As I wrote in a comment / review of one of the episodes, the world of Japanese yokai was much more enjoyable to me than the somewhat overused realm of Christian hell dwellers, it was playful, funny, and very action-packed, on the other hand, it was predictable, containing all sorts of Asian, filmmaker vices, but I enjoyed it. / Lesson: Sometimes death doesn't end it.


Jú jú hakušo - Episode 5 (2023) (aflevering) 

Engels But yeah, I actually quite liked the finale. It surprises me, because the Japanese creators also unpacked their traditional game of emotions on me, but I resisted it using my spiritual strength to the maximum and enjoyed the battle in the arena, which repeatedly evoked a familiar saying about throwing peas at a wall. At the same time, I noticed that they have somewhat weaker concrete in Japan. No wonder Fukushima didn't last. / Lesson: And they say you can't break through a wall with your head...


The Gentlemen - Refined Aggression (2024) (aflevering) 

Engels Excessive hype usually makes me cautious, so I kept my expectations low. I wasn't disappointed, but I also wasn't swept away by a tsunami of excitement. It was a classic pilot that introduced the characters, setting, and circumstances of the upcoming story, where it seems I won't have anyone to root for. When it comes to drugs, I dislike the producers, distributors, and end-users, so I'll likely remain a strongly impartial viewer. Guy Ritchie is clearly evolving, moving away from the humor that marked his early films... Let's wait and see where it goes from here. / Lesson learned: A stoned chicken shouldn't be handling a shotgun.

Laatste beoordeling (11 188)

The Gentlemen - Tackle Tommy Woo Woo (2024) (aflevering) (E02)


Yu Yu Hakusho (2023) (serie)


Jú jú hakušo - Episode 5 (2023) (aflevering) (E05)


The Gentlemen - Refined Aggression (2024) (aflevering) (E01)


Jú jú hakušo - Episode 4 (2023) (aflevering) (E04)


Jú jú hakušo - Episode 3 (2023) (aflevering) (E03)


Jú jú hakušo - Episode 2 (2023) (aflevering) (E02)


Jú jú hakušo - Episode 1 (2023) (aflevering) (E01)


Ricchi a tutti i costi (2024)



Laatste dagboekpost (14)

Dobročinnost? Já?

FeriusParfax ve mně svým včerejším příspěvkem v Deníčku probudila něco, z čeho se později vyvinula strašlivá nasranost, a já jsem tak včera poprvé v životě přispěl na dobrou věc. Je pro mě asi typické, že jsem tak neučinil z čisté dobročinnosti ale ze vzteku a z mocné frustrace, kterou ve mně opakovaně vyvolává náš justiční systém. A protože se mě ten vztek pořád ještě drží jako pověstný exkrement košile, nechávám tady odkaz pro ty, kteří to cítí podobně a mohou obětovat alespoň stokorunu.