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Laatste recensie (7 531)


Slow Horses - Cleaning Up (2023) (aflevering) 

Engels There's probably no need to nitpick all the quirks surrounding the intervention in the warehouse. Sure, it was a pretty action-packed episode, but the action wasn't the main event. The real fun happened elsewhere, particularly with the "honest" banter between Tearney and Taverner. I love how the creators effortlessly inject humor into even the most tense situations. Douglas's "You shall not pass!" nearly had me in stitches! / Lesson learned: Silence is golden. In some situations more than others.


Godzilla Minus One (2023) 

Engels Movies featuring an indestructible deep-sea monster stomping through Tokyo never really grabbed my interest. I've seen all the classics like Gappa, the American-Japanese Godzilla from the eighties, and Clash of the Titans with the Kraken — essentially, the sedate, ancient Greek version of the Japanese radioactive, perpetually pissed-off monster. I only watched this movie because it was the main offer on Netflix, and the post-war setting intrigued me. Surprisingly, I found myself enjoying the new story of this angry lizard. The oversized reptile with a reactor for a liver wasn't the main draw for me, though. What fascinated me more were the Japanese attempts to grapple with their role in World War II and the realistic depiction of their war technology. Unlike Michael Bay, the Japanese creators brought in truly capable consultants, making their warships like the Takao and Shinden look absolutely top-notch. I found myself more drawn to these peripheral aspects of the film, without which I might not have paid it much attention. / Lesson learned: Don't go launching nuclear warheads, bombs, or reactors into the Pacific Ocean — you never know what you might awaken.


The Bequeathed (2024) (serie) 

Engels An intriguing Korean show. After six episodes, my average rating hit four stars, but honestly, a strong three might've sufficed. If Jun Seo-ha is the main character (and I'm still not entirely sure about that), she didn’t really win me over—she didn’t exactly stand out in the sharp thinking department. Surprisingly, the distributor left out the comedy tag. I found myself laughing out loud at some scenes, mostly involving the cops. The Asian approach is just different from ours. While I think the creators could have tackled the subject a bit differently, I still got what I expected. / Lesson learned: Inheritance often comes with problems. 4*-

Laatste beoordeling (11 160)

John Mulaney: Baby J (2023) (programma)


Slow Horses - Cleaning Up (2023) (aflevering) (S03E05)


Godzilla Minus One (2023)


Matka v trapu (2024)

booh! 03.06.2024

The Bequeathed (2024) (serie)


Seon-san - Episode 6 (2024) (aflevering) (E06)


Seon-san - Episode 5 (2024) (aflevering) (E05)


Seon-san - Episode 4 (2024) (aflevering) (E04)


Slow Horses - Uninvited Guests (2023) (aflevering) (S03E04)



Laatste dagboekpost (14)

Dobročinnost? Já?

FeriusParfax ve mně svým včerejším příspěvkem v Deníčku probudila něco, z čeho se později vyvinula strašlivá nasranost, a já jsem tak včera poprvé v životě přispěl na dobrou věc. Je pro mě asi typické, že jsem tak neučinil z čisté dobročinnosti ale ze vzteku a z mocné frustrace, kterou ve mně opakovaně vyvolává náš justiční systém. A protože se mě ten vztek pořád ještě drží jako pověstný exkrement košile, nechávám tady odkaz pro ty, kteří to cítí podobně a mohou obětovat alespoň stokorunu.