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kaylinPaths of Glory(1957) 

How do you critically examine the military? The answer is Stanley Kubrick's Paths of Glory. The scene where the general decides to shoot one platoon because it chose not to obey orders and not to die is one thing, but… (meer)

StanislausPaths of Glory(1957) 

After The Shining and Barry Lyndon, I had the opportunity (or rather the obligation) to watch Paths of Glory, which is also another example of a quality film by Stanley Kubrick. But since I am not a fan of war-themed… (meer)

POMOHet laatste huis links(1972) 

Does a parent have the right to execute their child’s murderer? This is a topic for extensive discussion and a subject for a serious film (see Ingmar Bergman’s The Virgin Spring). The problem here is that director Wes… (meer)

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