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De beste films bij streamingdiensten



HrominoNational Treasure(2004) 

My former class teacher called this a movie that dulls the senses. I partly agree with her, there is really little originality to it, but the production is more than satisfying for a Saturday movie night. This is… (meer)

NecrotongueToy Story(1995) 

I’d been avoiding these three films for quite a long time. I just didn't find the subject appealing, until I was made to watch them by a very persistent friend who brought me all three installments, and, lo and behold,… (meer)

KakaThor: The Dark World(2013) 

Thor is a weaker comic character than the Avengers, Batman, or Superman. Not that Asgard is not visually attractive or even epic, because it definitely is, it reminded me of the aerial shots on Helm's Deep or Minas… (meer)