Disney+ - Streaming


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De beste films bij streamingdiensten



POMOA Good Day to Die Hard(2013) 

Super loud with a comically exaggerated climax involving the destruction of everything around – including the viewer’s brain and the good name of a formerly iconic action series. You can let Uwe Boll direct the sixth… (meer)

KakaA Good Day to Die Hard(2013) 

Merciless crap. It starts slowly and smells like a cheap production from Bulgaria. It is beautifully apparent how most of the budget went into action scenes (I must add that everything had to be completely blown to… (meer)

novotenA Good Day to Die Hard(2013) 

A crazy day to die hard. When writing this script, Skip Woods occasionally forgot that he was writing another installment of an established series and often broke its established rules – unfortunately, including the… (meer)