Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

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De beste films bij streamingdiensten



POMOMonster Hunter(2020) 

Ron Perlman’s hairstyle and make-up in the opening scene give us a hint of what’s to come. And then everything in the film only gets better. Monster Hunter is a videogame-based ultra-farce with an utterly primitive plot… (meer)

lampsMonster Hunter(2020) 

As awful as it can be. I should probably admire the reluctant development of a cinematic (and purely blockbuster) speech that rejects action set-pieces, but everything in it is so laughable. There isn’t a hint of a… (meer)

DaViD´82The Godfather: Part III(1990) 

"Real power can't be given. It must be taken." Is returning to the subject matter sixteen years later just flogging a dead horse? No, not at all. Although The Godfather III can’t equal its predecessors, it is still so… (meer)