Mounia Meddour

Mounia Meddour



Mounia Meddour was born and raised in Algeria. At the age of 18, she moved to France with her family as a result of death threats they received during the Algerian Civil War. She studied journalism before joining the summer directing program at La Fémis in Paris. Inició su trayectoria dirigiendo los documentales Particules élémentaires (2007), La Cuisine en héritage (2009) y Cinema algérien. Un nouveau souffle (2011). Her first short film, Edwige (2012) won the Ciné+ Award at the Saint-Jean-de- Luz Festival, the UniFrance Short Film Award and was featured in several festivals including Dubai International Film Festival. Papicha is her first feature-film.

Seminci - Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid

Vrouwelijke regisseur
