Emilio Fernández

Emilio Fernández

geb. 26.03.1904
Hondo, Coahuila, Mexico

overleden 06.08.1986 (82 jaar)
Mexico City, Mexico


Mexican director and actor. An officer in the army, his participation in the revolutionary uprising against president Obregón earned him a 20-year prison sentence. Escaping to the United States in 1923, Fernandez worked as an actor in Hollywood. In 1933, he returned to Mexico and directed La Isla de la Pasión (1941). He worked with photographer Gabriel Figueroa. His 1944 film María Candelaria brought him international acclaim as winner of the Palme d’or at the Cannes Film Festival. He directed, among other films, Soy Puro Mexicano (1942), La perla (1945), Río Escondido (1948), Acapulco (1951), Pueblito (1961), El crepúsculo de un Dios (1968). Until his film La Red (1953), he was considered one of the best directors of the postwar period. His last film, Erótica, was made in 1978.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia






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