Erica Lynn Schmeck

Erica Lynn Schmeck


Erica a graduate of Illinois State University, spent five years in Chicago, and moved to Los Angeles to expand her production career. She wrapped production on The Other One (Sterling Rock Productions) and Pictures of Us (CNGM Pictures) begins shooting the feature Silver Skies in September 2013. I Made America, a transmedia webseries she produced, won the 2013 Austin Television Festival's Pitch Competition and is under consideration with Comedy Central, Sony, and NBC. She also produced the award winning features, Two Days in February, and Darren and Abbey, which won a Golden Eddie from Cedar Rapids Film Festival and Audience Favorite from Riverside respectively.

As a Production Manager of the film, I Heart Shakey, a 3D family film, was released in theaters and many different VOD outlets. Another film she Production Managed in Detroit has a limited theatrical released in September 2013 titled, Anything is possible. It is an inspirational film starring Ethan Bortnick (the Guinness book of world records youngest performer to headline a solo tour at the age of six) who also at the age of twelve is co-composing the music for the film.

Other notable credits include working as the Chicago Production Coordinator for a Funny or Die branded piece for Lenovo and the NFL. Producing two music videos for BandCalledCatch. One video, The Story, which Schmeck also directed, was the first of it's kind using a 360 degree camera. This camera gives the audience the ability to scroll around to see whatever angle they choose. She has also directed the short film Out Securred. Erica frequently works as a Creative Producer with CNGM Pictures NFP and served as their Artistic Director.

In addition to filmmaking, Erica is a passionate women's health advocate. She works with Bright Pink, the only national non-profit organization focusing on the risk reduction and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer in young women while providing support for high-risk individuals. Erica is the Support Ambassador to the launched Los Angeles chapter of Bright Pink, where she is building a community for LA's high risk women. She also speaks about the importance of being proactive as a high risk woman and her experience as a caregiver.

Indican Pictures




White Out


Irving Renquist, Ghost Hunter