Andy Morgan

Andy Morgan


Andy Morgan is a photographer and renowned journalist writing on music, culture and politics for The Guardian, The Independent, CNN, BBC and numerous others. Andy began his career in the music industry at WOMAD, FNAC Music (France), Piranha (Germany) and World Circuit (UK). He met Malian poet-guitarists and 2012 Grammy Winners Tinariwen in 2001 and managed them during their rise to fame, helping them win fans and influence people across the world.

He helped organise the famous Festival in the Desert and is writing a series of short books about Malian music including one on Tinariwen and the Sahara and another on our film's characters Songhoy Blues. His book Music Culture and Conflict in Mali was published by Freemuse (Denmark) in 2013 to rave reviews and was hugely influential piece of writing for They Will Have To Kill Us First.

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