Clare Peploe

Clare Peploe

geb. 1942

overleden 23.06.2021
Rome, Lazio, Italië


The director Clare Peploe was born in Tanzania in 1942, but grew up in England and Italy. She found her way into the film industry as an assistant to Antonioni on Zabriskie Point (1969) and then collaborated on Novecento (1975) with her husband, the director Bernardo Bertolucci, with whom she also worked on the script for La Luna (1979). Clare Peploe made her debut as a director with the short film, Couples and Robbers (1982), that was nominated for the Oscars and the British Bafta awards. Her first full-length film was High Season (1987). The film won the Silver Shell at the San Sebastian Festival. The search for personal identity and a place to belong to, as well as her multicultural vision, characterise a body of work that always shows the director’s passion for telling stories. Rough Magic (1995) was the following film that she wrote and directed. In 1998 she once again worked with Bernardo Bertolucci as associate producer and co-script writer on Besieged (1998), which was screened in the Official Section at the San Sebastian Festival, out of competition. Her following film, The Triumph of Love (2001), based on the play by Marivaux, competed at the Venice Film Festival.

Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara


Vrouwelijke regisseur


Il trionfo dell'amore


Rough Magic


High Season


