Youlian Tabakov

Youlian Tabakov


Born on the 2nd of Jily 1975 graduated at the Gymnasium of Applied Art in Sofia in the Toy Design department 1994, MA in Set design in the National Art Academy "N. Pavlovich" in Sofia 2000 and MA in Fine Art in ENS des Baux-Arts in Paris 2003.

First proffesional appearance as a set designer and director was "Three sisters" after A. P. Chekhov in "NDT Salza i Smjah" theatre in Sofia, season 1999 – 2000.  Since 2002 he worked in Sweden with "Teater Giljotin"- Stockholm, „Uppsalastads teater" - Uppsala, "Göotebogstads Teater" - Göteborg, "Norbottens teater" - Lulea, where he made the set and costume designs for „Long day's journey into the night" by E. O'Neill, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" by E. Albee, „Winter's tale" by W. Shakespeare, „The dream play" by A. Strindberg, „The divine comedy" after Dante Alighieri, „The courage to kill" by L. Noren, „Psychosis 4:48" by S. Cane, „Winter" by J. Fosse, „The perfect man" by Inger Edelfeld, „ Lucifer effect" by Tatiana Maneva „The night of tribades" by P.O. Enquist  and many others.

In 2007 he made the set and costume designs for "The tempest" by W. Shakespeare in "Mazazis teatras" -Vilnius and in 2008 for "Troilus and Cressida" by W. Shakespeare in "Vakhtangov theater", Moscow, "The young prince and the trough" by Jean Claude Carierre  in "Sofia's puppet theatre" and "The idiot 2012" after F. M. Dostoevski in "Nationa Drama Theater I. Vazov" - Sofia.

In 2012 finished his first documentary film „Tzvetanka" selected for „NORDIC:DOX AWARD" and Dok Lepzig in "YOUNG CINEMA COMPETITION." He made several solo exhibitions in Sofia and Stockholm and many participations in grope-exhibitions. He made also the design for couple of fashion colections and the illustrations for poetry and children books. In 1998 he was awarded with 3rd prize in "Smirnoff" fashion prize and in 2011 "Golden age" prize for contribution in the development of Bulgarian culture.

Youlian Tabakov



