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Recensie (7 521)


Aranyélet - A sikeres üzletben mindkét fél gyoz (2016) (aflevering) 

Engels I got the answer to what kept me intrigued after the last episode, and I'm pleased to say it didn't disappoint. Episode four reinforced my belief that while education is crucial, hands-on practical skills shouldn't be neglected. I've always tried to delegate manual work whenever possible, but I had to roll up my sleeves when push came to shove. Thankfully, the creators didn't go overboard with any exaggerated antics. The plot worked for me, the atmosphere was on point, and although I still think the first season was better, I was satisfied. / Lesson learned: According to Occupational Health and Safety recommendations and common sense, you should wear gloves for hard manual work.


Aranyélet - Az okos kockázatvállalás biztonságot nyújt (2016) (aflevering) 

Engels My decision on the rating was pretty straightforward in this case; I enjoyed it a bit more than the last time, so I gave it a slightly better rating as well. What blew me away was when I saw Attila watching an episode from the first season of Umbre (TV series) (2014) on TV. It's clear now where the Hungarians drew their inspiration, and I appreciate that they openly acknowledged it. The plot again held my interest, the creators nailed the atmosphere, and the episode's conclusion left me eagerly anticipating what's next. I'm genuinely curious to see how they'll navigate through the challenges ahead. / Lesson learned: When rats are abandoning the ship, there's likely a leak below deck.


Aranyélet - A helyzethez igazítsd a taktikádat (2016) (aflevering) 

Engels Let me start by saying something I forgot to mention in the previous review; the second season has fantastic opening credits. Personally, I'm a fan. The second episode wasn't as packed as the last one, but I found it even more enjoyable. The moment when Mirina's cellmates and family members' crimes were listed was a highlight, providing great amusement, and Janka, as always, didn't disappoint. However, I'd be delighted if the creators focused more on family relationships in the upcoming episodes. They did it so well in the first season, and it's something I'd definitely appreciate. / Lesson learned: Don't shun bedbugs and roaches; protein is protein. 4*-


Aranyélet - Összetett célok = tartós siker (2016) (aflevering) 

Engels Recently, I caught up with the Romanian series Umbre (series) (2014), and the sensation I got from the contrast between its first and second seasons mirrored my experience watching the opening episode of the second season of this series. It just didn't align with my expectations. The shift away from luxury was entertaining, and the paradoxical revelation of the family's biggest criminal provided an extra layer of amusement. However, unlike the previous season, the plot didn't strike me as entirely believable, which was a shame. For my taste, it would suffice if the creators stuck with what worked last time; attempts to outdo their success often miss the mark.


Aranyélet - Season 1 (2015) (Seizoen) 

Engels I'm not surprised that the first season turned out great. I anticipated high quality due to my previous encounters with Hungarian film and television. Hungarians have a sense of humor that suits me and a flair for drama, both of which were present in this show. The first season captivated me not only due to its criminal plot but also through its meticulous treatment of individual characters and the excellent portrayal of the impact of various circumstances on the main "hero's" family. I have become an instant fan, and I eagerly look forward to the continuation. / Lesson learned: With increasing wealth, demands grow, but it usually does not work the other way around.


Aranyélet - Most már látod, hogy mi van itt (2015) (aflevering) 

Engels I didn't think the Hungarians would disappoint me at the very end, and they certainly did not. Quite the opposite, the plot of the eighth and final episode of the first season earned a five-star rating from me. I found it intriguing to witness how far an unlawful way of life could take a second-rate fraudster and how devastating its influence could be on his family. This was precisely why I enjoyed the episode so much. While I've watched many crime series, not all of them place such emphasis on family dynamics. The final combination of a millionaire's villa and expired food was nothing short of priceless :-) / Lesson learned:  The Prodigy - Firestarter (music video) (1996).


Aranyélet - Na, ki az, aki hazudik? (2015) (aflevering) 

Engels While some events in this episode might have seemed far-fetched, I found the plot quite believable. Particularly, the conclusion of the seventh episode confirmed a rule I had figured out years ago: when a group of people with tendencies towards idiocy gathers at a certain moment in a certain place, someone will end up paying for it. The Hungarian creators crafted an interesting plot, well-drawn characters, and a decent atmosphere. The only reason why I'm not giving it five stars is because the previous episode felt more intense. / Lesson learned: Don't overestimate your abilities; you can't surround a larger group alone. 4*+.


Aranyélet - Az iskola nem az életre nevel (2015) (aflevering) 

Engels What a great episode; it was right up my alley. The Hungarians went all in and earned five stars from me for their effort. Against my expectations, they didn't rely on flashy action or frantic pace but instead delved into the psychological aspects. It was intriguing; the sixth episode dealt with bullet-ridden heads and slit throats, yet the most captivating part for me was the clash between children and parents. It was raw and executed incredibly well. Without a doubt, it stands as the best episode of the first season so far. / Lesson learned: Before diving into family life, carefully weigh those pros and cons.


Aranyélet - Hiába minden próbálkozás (2015) (aflevering) 

Engels The plot in this episode didn't quite match the excitement of the previous one, but that doesn't mean it fell flat. On the contrary, I found the fifth episode quite interesting. Granted, illegal business wasn't in the spotlight this time, but I was intrigued by the tour of the Budapest drunk tank... sorry, detox center. Who would've guessed that a missed vacation in the Alps could have such a profound impact on my life? Well, I have to give it to the Hungarians; they've won me over, and I wonder if they will keep me hooked. So far, they're on the right track. / Lesson learned: If truth doesn't take you all the way, you can still crawl to get there.


Aranyélet - Beléptem álmaim kapuin (2015) (aflevering) 

Engels This family has been dysfunctional from the outset, but the screenwriter really lets them have it as the story evolves. The fourth episode did a number on all four family members, and once again, I can't complain about the story's pace. The creators are incredibly adept at portraying individual character psychologies. The customs office scene was hilarious and made me think of an old joke: On his European tour, David Copperfield encounters a customs officer who asks, "Aren't you the famous magician who made the skyscraper disappear?" Copperfield replies, "Yes, that's me. Do you want my autograph?" "No, not that. I just want to show you something. See those three trucks over there?" "Yes, I see them." "Well, they are transporting cigarettes." Three stamps later, he adds, "And now it's peas." / Lesson learned: Don't get too excited; disappointment will come anyway. 4*+