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Favoriete films (10)

The Last Boy Scout

The Last Boy Scout (1991)

The Last Boy Scout was the movie that made me realize that it is not enough for me to hit someone; they have to be taken down verbally first for me to have a good time. I also realized that the world is a dangerous place, Satan Claus is lurking, and we have to be prepared. I have learned some general truths: water is wet, the sky is blue, and women have secrets. In other words, this movie was incredibly good for me as far as memorable lines go, especially in the original version, which I have at home on VHS and which is much punchier than the one you see on TV today. I just had an incredible time watching it, and I still quote a lot of the lines today. Plus, Willis is in top form here, and I find him perhaps even better than in the Die Hard movies. I think the character of Joe Hallenbeck is perfect; I like heroes who are anti-heroes and are more on the fringes of society and make fun of everything and themselves. It is action-packed, suspenseful, and very funny. It has also got some food for thought, and so whenever I am in a bad mood, this is the first movie I reach for. Plus, when I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, the first thing that comes to mind is "Nobody likes you. Everybody hates you. You're gonna lose. Smile, you fuck." So when I had to choose my top movie, it was clear what to choose, because this one indeed shaped my character.

S čerty nejsou žerty

S čerty nejsou žerty (1984)

This Czech fairy tale is absolutely perfect. It is incredibly funny and full of memorable lines, which you can quote, and so when the men in the warehouse drop some of the boxes, the first thing I hear is, "You dropped something Machal, I think it is the wind," and I cannot help smiling. Karel Hermanek is the best ruler of hell I have ever seen in a fairy tale and other actors like Petr Narozny excel. This iconic movie has second place in my Top Ten because I rarely miss watching it when it is on.

Once Upon a Time in the West

Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

This movie is simply a gem, which sucks you in and enchants you with its soundtrack, atmosphere, and individual performances. Even though it is well over two hours long, you do not get bored for a minute, and thanks to the truly amazing soundtrack, you experience everything to the fullest. Furthermore, Claudia Cardinale is probably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen on the screen, and especially in this movie, she is simply irresistible.

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump (1994)

I am quite convinced that "life is like a box of chocolates and that you never know what you are gonna get", although not all chocolates are great and some are out of date or inedible. Anyway, I found this movie perfect, and it taught me a valuable lesson. Personally, the main male protagonist's statement that "Stupid is as stupid does" was enough for me to have a spiritual epiphany. For me, there is much more wisdom and insight in that simple sentence than in the whole philosophical musings on chocolates, and my peace of mind improved more thanks to this simple sentence than it did watching Demolition Man knitting. In other words, thanks to Forrest, I have gained more understanding and appreciation for those who have a bad opinion of me, and I have learned beautifully to rise above this. I would almost say it has made me a better person. Anyway, this movie is a real gem. It is sweet, funny, and intelligent with an incredible amount of perspective. It manages to present even serious things in a way that hits you but does not destroy you mentally but rather makes you stronger. You can watch this movie at any time, and it is always wonderful.

The Magnificent Seven

The Magnificent Seven (1960)

The Magnificent Seven has an amazing soundtrack. It also has a great cast, superb atmosphere, and great dialogues full of classic lines that can put a satisfied smile on the face of even the toughest guys. This is a movie that I love to watch anytime and to which I have a very strong attachment because it was my father’s favorite movie.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

The following text may contain SPOILERS, although I have tried to present them not to tell a person who has not seen the movie anything. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a brilliant movie and serves as a sophisticated documentary on the life of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. We almost get answers to burning questions like "What is the capital of Assyria?", "How did coconuts get to England?", "How many times does a swallow have to flap its wings to stay in the air?" the screenwriters also introduce us to what happened to the Holy Grail, showing us the most dangerous predator with sharp teeth and discovering the words that must never be spoken. You can experience King Arthur's duel with the undefeated Black Knight, the struggle of the 'pure' Sir Gallahad for his integrity, and meet the brave Sir Robin, who you are not going to forget anytime soon. This is just the list of a few tidbits that this comprehensive and all-around amazing production has to offer. So if you keep an open mind and a good sense of perspective, you are going to learn things you did not know before and have a lot of fun.

U pokladny stál...

U pokladny stál... (1939)

Personally, I think this is the best movie starring Vlasta Burian, and my favorite "movie for reminiscing" and whenever I see it on TV, I always watch it until the end and really enjoy it.

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

The Shawshank Redemption is a truly amazing movie with a great story, soundtrack, and acting. It also has probably the best ending I have ever seen. The end left me with an amazing feeling, and the whole movie was great to watch. I think it rightfully deserves its place in the list here and in my Top Ten.

South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut

South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999)

I like South Park. Even though the story is practically just an elaboration of an idea from an episode in which the parents protested over the vulgarity of this duo. However, the "explosive diarrhea” won in that episode, and I still thought this was a pretty good movie. The movie has a very good musical score on top of everything else, and some of the songs are infectious. I mean, it may not be as good as the TV show, although I think the singing and especially the line "God? He is the biggest bitch of them all!", which is something so sad but true, assuming God exists.


Shrek (2001)

It is always good to know that even if someone is a big and dumb ogre, they still have a chance of picking up a princess. This movie gives me hope :-)