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Recensie (3 466)


Aku Tahu Kapan Kamu Mati (2020) 

Engels With Indonesian horror movies, it's like playing the lottery, you rarely come across a jackpot, mostly just an average stuff. Unfortunately, this is a case of bottom-of-the-barrel horror that is not even worth mentioning. The white make-up of the Ghost looks like it was done by a high school student, they forget to turn on the music during a supposedly scary scene, and the whole thing is quite loud and overacted. The only good thing is the truly beautiful main character, but that's woefully far from enough. I do not recommend it and the rating of 3.3 on IMDB is appropriate. Story*, Action>No, Humor>No, Violence*, Entertainment*, Music**, Visual**, Atmosphere**, Tension*. 2/10.


Crazy Samurai Musashi (2020) 

Engels Four years ago Yûji Shimomura surprised with a decent action movie set in the woods called Re:born, so I was curious about Crazy Samurai: 400 vs. 1 , but it's such a dull and unexciting borefest that I can't believe it. The film has no plot, no dialogue, and it's basically a 90-minute long action sequence, which under normal circumstances I would welcome with open arms, but this style just doesn't work for me at all. The main hero is alone against 400 samurais and most of the time it looks like he's in the middle of a circle and they come at him one by one. I understand that they wanted to stay true to reality, but what is realistic is boring, that's what movies are for. He only uses two moves, either cuts their heads off or slashes their bellies, and watching this for an hour and a half was really painful. Moreover, it seemed to me that no one died, everyone who got slashed crawled away from the camera, and that felt very awkward, plus occasionally there is disgustingly digital blood splattering, and when I add that it all looks cheap, I really don't know what I'm supposed to like here. The final five minutes are a okay, they feel like they're from a different movie, and it's a shame that Tak Sakaguchi, who showed unprecedented speed and talent in Re:born, here swings his katana so slowly as if he didn't even enjoy it. I didn't like it and I don't see much reason for anyone to like this movie. Story*, Action**, Humor>No, Violence*, Entertainment**, Music***, Visuals**, Atmosphere*, Tension*. 2/10.


Run Hide Fight (2020) 

Engels The 81% on IMDB is either paid or they have a bug in the database, because this was really bad and this time I agree with the 14% given by critics. Run Hide Fight was supposed to be some variation of Die Hard, but it's more of a parody than a tribute and most of the time I felt embarrassed. Teenage terrorists (really!) attack a school and livestream the whole show. The first stumbling block is that there are only four of them, so you can forget about any action scenes except for the first intrusion, there is nothing at all. The female lead is likable, but that's about it. The villains overact to the point of pain, there is no respect for them, they don't have any interesting plan and the whole movie is just running around the school, without anything interesting really happening. It's not action-packed, it's not suspenseful, it's not entertaining, it's not even brutal, and above all, it's two hours long, so most of the time you just wish for it to end. Thumbs down from me and a movie for kids. Story**, Action**, Humor>No, Violence**, Enjoyment**, Music***, Visuals***, Atmosphere**, Tension**. 3/10.


Rope a Dope 2 (2015) 

Engels About five minutes bigger and longer action extravaganza! More or less The Raid among short films. 10/10.


Rope a Dope (2013) 

Engels Perfect idea, very funny, entertaining and action-packed, with solid choreography and camerawork. A truly action-packed thirteen minutes! 9/10.


Don't Tell a Soul (2020) 

Engels An enjoyable intimate indie thriller. The story focuses on two young brothers who set out to commit a theft and steal ten thousand dollars, but they are caught by a security guard and while fleeing, one of them falls into a ten-meter well and gets trapped. Theft is one thing, letting someone die is another. But would you help someone who would immediately report you? A rather unpleasant situation arises, surprisingly well-handled. There is a very good unexpected twist, it really succeeded and I must also compliment the ending, with another twist within a twist. It's not very suspenseful and definitely not action-packed or brutal, but the film manages with good actors and unexpected turns that elevate it above average. Story****, Action>No, Humor>No, Violence*, Entertainment***, Music***, Visuals***, Atmosphere***, Tension**. 6/10.


Bloody Hell (2020) 

Engels A gem from Australia with exploitation traits! This year is starting off great. I'm really satisfied and I would classify Bloody Hell as a nice guilty pleasure. After a long time, I see a real bad ass hero in horror, and when I say bad ass, I mean a modern-day Ash from Evil Dead! The story begins with a bank robbery. The protagonist takes the law into his own hands and effortlessly eliminates all the thieves, but instead of self-defense, he commits a ruthless act of violence and goes to serve six years. After his release from prison, he becomes a celebrity and a national hero, people literally call him John Wick and Captain America! 😃 But fame isn't for him, and he decides to travel to Finland where nobody knows him, but there he falls into the wrong hands and finds himself in a much worse situation - tied up in a cellar with a severed leg, in the power of a crazy family. The protagonist has an alter ego that is constantly joking. The film has several interesting surprises, which it doses throughout, and one of them is very unexpected! And there is even a bit of gore. Very entertaining and quotable, with references to older films (Misery), suspenseful, visually decent, with plenty of ideas and violence, and the protagonist is someone I want to see again, preferably with a chainsaw! A very entertaining ride! Story***, Action***, Humor****, Violence***, Entertainment****, Music***, Visual****, Atmosphere****, Tension****. 8/10.


News of the World (2020) 

Engels More was probably expected from a Paul Greengrass/Tom Hanks collaboration. For me, it's a an unnecessary and uninteresting film that didn't bring anything new. It's shot well, acted well (Helena Zengel, after System Crasher, proves once again that she is on an excellent path). The stumbling block for me is the story, did Greengrass really have to choose such an uninteresting subject? Watching a traveling journalist in the Wild West is probably the most boring option available. It lacks action, emotion, drive, and tension – everything I like basically. Weak three stars for Hanks. Story***, Action*, Humor>No, Violence>No, Entertainment**, Music***, Visuals***, Atmosphere***, Tension**. 5/10.


The Root of the Problem (2012) 

Engels A nicely portrayed nightmare at the dentist's from the director The Mortuary Collection! A beautiful girl at the dentist's has a very hallucinogenic and unpleasant experience, which is a bit uncomfortable – the scene with the injection really shook me, and if they had shown a tooth extraction, I would have probably fainted. Great visuals and enjoyable psychological aspect. 7.5/10.


Hunted (2020) 

Engels A brisk forest survival drama from my beloved France! A likeable blonde goes to a bar for a few drinks, she meets a guy there, they exchange a few words, and suddenly she's in his car. But only when they get there does she realize that this guy might not be the right one, because he's actually a psychopath with murderous intentions. Those looking for a story can skip this movie, but as a forest thriller, it's sufficiently suspenseful, and Arieh Worthalter plays the psychopath brilliantly, his performance elevates the whole film. The beautiful setting and plenty of shots of forest animals were nice, and, though they spare the gore, the least the arrow stuck in an ear and the boulder in the face will stick in your memory. I had a good time, and even though I expected something slightly more intense, I'm happy to rate it highly. Story***, Action***, Humor>No, Violence***, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals****, Atmosphere****, Tension****. 7/10.