Laatste recensie (3 494)
It's What's Inside (2024)
Slowly a new modern subgenre is starting to emerge: game night that goes wrong. After Talk to Me we have another similar film, only it's more of a mystery thriller, but it's pretty cool. It has received a lot of praise abroad, the original idea and the execution are interesting (the game with the body swapping is great and I would definitely play it too), I didn't mind the characters, but I had a problem orienting myself, 8 characters are not easy to remember, it's a pity they didn't cut them down, I would have rated the film higher. The final twist was a surprise. A decent one-off. 6/10.
Azrael (2024)
An enjoyable bloody forest survival action flick with our Scream Queen Samara Weaving. The film leaves story and dialogue aside, it's a mute spectacle (which is a bit of a shame, because the lore of that world could have been quite interesting). I was worried it would tread water, but fortunately it has a good pace, Samara spends the whole film running away from both the occultists and the nicely handled mutants (who were creepy and there could have easily been more of them). As far as gore goes, there's not that much, I found The Platform 2 to be more daring in terms of violence, and there was the occasional deaf spot, so more of a nice genre average than a big hit, but these genre films should be appreciated, not many are made and Samara is a sweetheart. 7/10.
De Wilde Robot (2024)
One of the most beautiful and emotional films of the year. Pure Beauty! Wild Robot is impressive in so many ways, it has revolutionary visuals, a beautiful soundtrack that adds incredible emotion and intensity, a gripping and beautiful story about a robot who gets lost in the wilderness and has to learn the rules of the local animals (and on top of that, be a mom to a young gosling), and well-written characters (every single animal character is written perfectly). Of course there is humour, there is no lack of suspense, and a built-up action finale, but what makes the film magical and so strong is the emotions, I was screaming nonstop in the cinema, and I don't even remember that. The fox's speech at the sanctuary, the rescue of the animals from the cold, the gosling’s discovery that the robot isn't a real mother; these scenes really tug at the heartstrings like few things do. It certainly doesn't end with one screening, a very nice cinema visit and an incredible experience. Definitely take tissues with you. 10/10.
Laatste dagboekpost (34)
Breaking BAD/SAD News.
Rok 2024 teda nezačal nejlépe. Je tu konec jedné velké Éry. Z ničeho nic začal nečekaný boj mezi mnou a Goliášem a Goliáš vyhrál. To vyústilo k faktu, že se Facebook rozhodl odebrat naší milovanou hororovou stránku Horror N3rds, na které jsem pracoval s Rollmanem 10 let, dosáhla 11 tisíc fanoušků, byly tam roky dřiny i fanouškovského zápalu a troufám si říct, že patřila k nejlepším hororovým stránkám na celém Facebooku v ČR/SK ( Ikdyž jsem svým hodnocením občas některé štval :D ), ale tomu je teď bohužel konec. Stál jsem si za názorem, že za to nikdy nechci žádné finanční ohodnocení ani placené reklamy, dělal jsem to pro sebe a pro lidi zdarma ve svém volném čase, ale ani to nestačí facebooku na slitování. Někdo z Lionsgate nás nahlásil za porušení autorských práv ( podotýkám, že šlo o trailer k filmu Boy Kills the World, který jsem nahrával tak půl roku zpět!! ( po menším investigativním pátrání jsem zjistil, že 3 dny zpátky k tomu filmu Lionsgate zakoupil práva a ten stejný den odebrali stránku. Náhoda? Osud?Karma? a facebook teda nekompromisně bez žádného slitování zakročil smrtící ranou. Jsem v šoku. Zůstala už jen skupina Hororová komunita by EvilPhoEniX.