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Favoriete films (10)

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight (2008)

The Dark Knight is really unique, exceptional, and perfect beyond doubt. After having seen it at least fifteen times, it is still as captivating, and it will remain one of my lifetime favorites. When Christopher Nolan took over the nearly ruined DC Comics legend from Schumacher, the Warner Bros. probably had no idea what Nolan would do for the Batman franchise. In 2005, he established a solid basis in Batman Begins, and used its potential to the fullest in TDK. With a bigger budget, he created a thriller where action gets going in the very first minute and doesn’t let up until the final credits roll. The plot is uncompromising, without any dull moments, with Zimmer’s breathtaking music, Heath Ledger's iconic acting performance, excellent one-liners, great stories (“We burned the forest down.”) and especially the Nolan brothers' screenplay, which, for a commercial blockbuster, is incredibly sophisticated. What to add at the end? Perhaps my favorite scenes: Joker’s interrogation at the police station (with absolutely brilliant music), Joker meeting the Mob (“And I thought my jokes were bad.”) and Joker’s departure from the hospital. Now that I think about it, there’s no point highlighting particular scenes, because TDK just doesn’t have a single weak moment that would allow me to take my eyes off the movie. A lifetime favorite!

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

What does The Shawshank Redemption represent to me? A work thanks to which I started watching and reviewing movies a lot more. It's a movie that defines film perfection for me, whose ending warrants a sixth star.

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction (1994)

I can't figure out why, but other great movies can be characterized by words such as brilliant, perfect or fantastic. But when you say the word CULT, only two things come to my mind: Star Wars, and most importantly Pulp Fiction. A cult movie which has everything: cult scenes, lines, characters, the whole package. Plus, it was made by the most original director in Hollywood.


Interstellar (2014)

A phenomenal, brilliant and incredibly captivating sci-fi blast. Nolan did it again, redefining the space genre as such. The special effects are completely absorbing, but by no means is the movie filled with green screened scenes. The effects are applied exactly where they should be, and you will enjoy them the way you’re supposed to (Jackson with his Hobbit could learn a lot from this). A special mention definitely goes to Hans Zimmer. Some people consider his music to be getting a little old, but what he shows here is beyond genius, and memories of flying through wormholes accompanied by stunning organ music give me goosebumps. The story is excellent, and I enjoyed every minute and every twist. Surprisingly, a lot of it is about emotions and love which transcends the dimensions of time and space. This works well with its tense atmosphere. I could feel the emotions stirring in me long after the final credits. McConaughey, Hathaway, Chastain, all of them were absolutely great and even Damon in an unconventional role was excellent. The first time I saw this at the cinema was a great mixture of emotions and stunning effects. Each time I watch it again, I have to admit that few films have had such an overwhelming emotional impact on me, which gives me an almost naively optimistic view of humanity. Humanity that can sacrifice itself, never gives up, keeps fighting at all costs and ends up victorious.

Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo

Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (1966)

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is not only a perfect conclusion to The Dollars Trilogy, but it is also an absolute gem of film history. Every aspect of this epic film is phenomenal, with each viewing as unique to me as the first and you just can’t argue with the claim that it is perhaps the best movie of all time.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)

Perfection! Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has a level of originality, sophistication, and inventiveness that leaves the competition light years behind. It not only lives up to the brilliance of the first installment but also manages to elevate it further. It sets the bar high for what animated movies can achieve. Phenomenal in every detail.

The Social Network

The Social Network (2010)

The most inspirational movie of my generation! Fincher deserves credit for being able to make an awesome movie tribute to the man who definitively transfered our lives online. Zuckerberg's way of thinking is as cool as Trent Reznor's score, and Eisenberg’s one-man show is a definition of a ‘tailor-made’ role.


Inception (2010)

For me personally, Inception is the most perfect movie experience that the film industry can provide. Nolan achieved something that no one had ever achieved before, namely that we can see something we can't even imagine, except in a dream, and probably not even there. In other works of sci-fi or fantasy, we can always at least partially picture the particular setting or atmosphere - when reading a book, for instance, or whichever way a story is mediated. But if someone is trying to explain Inception to you - that is, what exactly it is about, it is virtually impossible to describe a world in which things don’t work the way they normally should. No one can even begin to describe how you fall asleep and then fall asleep again in that dream and then fall asleep in that dream, too... It is simply beyond words. You just have to see it. Which is where Nolan comes in with his ability to transfer all of the above onto the movie screen in such an incredibly intelligible way that you can enjoy the most amazing gem of a movie of all time. However, Nolan is not just about perfect visualization and Zimmer’s brilliant soundtrack. On top of all that, it’s a story which any other director would turn into a confusing mess in which you would probably get lost in less than an hour. The production design is simply magnificent and used to the utmost detail. The actors perform as if their lives depended on it. Especially DiCaprio is, hands down, the best of the best. The two and a half hours of the movie feel damn too short, because you just can’t get enough and savor every second of it. A movie you never even dreamed of, but Christopher Nolan managed to make that dream come true. A movie that makes you think, no matter what you think about it. Inception is simply a film revolution!

The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

It's goofy, zany, crazy, just weird, BUT it has its charm. The movie races forward at an incredible pace, the acting performances are absolutely brilliant and hilarious (the dialogue in the confessional booth speaks for itself: “Those fuckers!”) and the whole soundtrack is simply a masterpiece and perfectly complements the pace of the narrative. When I finished watching it, it didn’t exactly leave me with a wholesome feeling, but now that I’ve had enough time to think about it and turn it over in my head, The Grand Budapest Hotel basically doesn’t have a single flaw and .... yes, I'm already looking forward to watching it again.


Watchmen (2009)

“Who watches the watchmen?” Three and a half hours of complete bliss. Brilliant, excellent, perfect, one of the best movies I've ever had a chance to watch. This movie simply has everything I've ever wanted to see in a single feature. I haven't read the comic book, but if it's even better than this awesome movie, I’m off to buy it. (And after reading the book, I’ve simply run out of superlatives. A story with an incredibly deep message and substantiated self-criticism of humanity as such. Each storyline has its special role, each one amazing and almost terrifying in many instances.)