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Recensie (2 885)


Desperate Measures (1998) 

Engels A thrilling and brilliantly directed thriller with a fantastic concept: two men on opposite sides of the law, in the middle of a claustrophobic hospital, where many lives are at stake. Excellent screenplay, dialogue, action, and sound. Andy Garcia plays a caring father with phenomenal expertise, and Michael Keaton as the main antagonist also doesn't disappoint. The direction is surprisingly skillful, and the music is impressive.


Deep Impact (1998) 

Engels Armageddon destroyed this fragile alternative in 1998 with absolute dominance. And how could it not, with Michael Bay's brilliant action scenes, lavish marketing, and meticulous visuals – the classically edited and sensitive Deep Impact simply had no chance on a global scale. But it still has its qualities. Excellently portrayed characters, believable moments of chaos, confusion and mass hysteria, and last but not least, the magnificent and moving James Horner from the back rows with his typically grandiose musical compositions and a strong main theme.


Revenge (1990) 

Engels It's hard to say what is so exceptional about this film, but simply put, it cannot be well explained, or rather, it requires a bit of imagination and to be carried away by the wave of Tony Scott's directorial invention, who turned an ordinary story into a thrilling action film about revenge with beautiful camera filters, true love, and captivating music. A brutal and unprecedentedly sad Hollywood film with the best ingredients. A legend of my childhood.


Band of Brothers (2001) (serie) 

Engels A perfect portrayal of war and everything that goes with it. The story of soldiers who are only killing machines in war, but from their point of view it is something else.


A Beautiful Mind (2001) 

Engels Boring and sterile academic piece of crap that pretends to be something it's not. The Oscar should have gone to Lord of the Rings.


Saving Private Ryan (1998) 

Engels It is certainly not a flawless film, but technically it is so brilliant that I’m happy to forgive all its shortcomings. Steven Spielberg shows us a real war like nobody has before. Tom Hanks is a genius, as well as Spielberg and Janusz Kaminski. For me, the best war film of all time.


Dances with Wolves (1990) 

Engels Kevin Costner excelled in 1990 with serious genius, when he was able to direct and mostly act in something like this, his best film. John Barry composed one of the best soundtracks of all time, and the script was also top-notch. All the Oscars are well-deserved, and a touching ending. An epic masterpiece that defined modern westerns.


Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995) 

Engels Probably the best Seagal movie. It has great action, brutal moves, fantastic music, and very good stunts. Additionally, the final scene in the war cemetery is very iconic. Casey Ryback standing in his shiny white uniform with his niece over her father's grave, it always occurs to me that we actually see Seagal in the last good shot, in the last good movie.


Unforgiven (1992) 

Engels A nicely shot western that has entered history as one of the most genuine and raw in its genre. Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman deliver masterful performances, with the brutal Gene Hackman skillfully supporting them (Oscar). In addition to all of this, there is perfect camera work, brilliant editing, and a final epilogue at sunset.