Mednoje solnce

  • Rusland Медное солнце (meer)


1990. Once the united and powerful Soviet Union starts to collapse from the within. Residents of a remote village in a Central Asian Republic are anxiously hearing the news of the unrest sweeping through the country. It is quiet in their village yet – after all, locals have been living side by side with Russians for years now. All of a sudden, a squad of hitmen appears in the mountains, which’s crossed the border to swing the situation in the region. The heroes of the story are the musicians of the regimental orchestra, who's come back from an unsuccessful music contest to the empty barracks. Their regiment received and urgent order for redeployment and left. Instead of catching up with their soldiers, the musicians, half of them still young boys, stay in the village to protect the peace. (Марс Медиа)

