Dans l'ombre de Teddy Riner

  • Frankrijk Teddy Riner
? %
Frankrijk, 2017, 107 min


3 years in the life of a world-beating athlete. Between Rio 2013 and Rio 2016, already the youngest champion in the history of judo, Teddy Riner committed himself body and soul to setting an all-time record: an incredible 8 world titles and two Olympic medals. The man is a titan, of that there is no doubt. But it is not only this extraordinary physique that plays the decisive factor in defeating his opponents. There's also his intelligence, his sensitivity, his relentless drive to work, his unparalleled determination – not to mention the fundamental role played by his entourage and his family. Who is the real man behind the ubiquitous media figure? What truly makes a sporting hero? (Wild Bunch Distribution)
