Kindred Spirits

USA, 2016, 42 min

Streaming (1)


This show follows renowned ghost hunters Amy Bruni and Adam Berry as they help real families who are tormented by paranormal activity in their homes. Scared by the mysterious happenings, but hesitant to pick up and leave their homes, these families have turned to two of America's leading paranormal investigators to capture evidence, guide the spirits into the light and bring closure to family... With the added stress that the spirits may be their own late family members, each episode of Kindred Spirits introduces a new family that seeks help from Amy and Adam. In the premiere episode, the paranormal experts meet Catherine and her daughter, who live on a 34-acre property in Little Meadows, Penn. They've been experiencing multiple things that they cannot explain - smashed light fixtures, being woken up in their sleep and inexplicable scratches. It takes Amy and Adam multiple investigations to figure out who is bothering them, but more importantly, can they figure out why? It's up to the experts to help this family reach closure by facilitating contact with the other side. (Discovery Networks)



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