
Valery Obodzinsky, legendary Soviet singer, had an amazing destiny: a simple guy from Odessa through phenomenal talent becomes a real superstar. He stranded out of the crowd - his songs were all about love, his image was pop frivolous and unformatted. While the country was building its socialist future today, Obodzinsky didn't join singing hymns to the Party and Komsomol. He sings about love to the woman - in a country where is "no sex." In a country where is one love only – a love for the fatherland and for leaders of communist ideology. And since he is not making any compromises – doesn't join Communist Party, doesn't perform patriotic songs, he is quietly removed from the scene as persona-non-grata . He feels depressed, his life is collapsing, he touches the bottom... and one day he just disappears. Most of his records on TV strangely disappear as well (or are destroyed). After years a devoted fan finds Obodzinsky on the garment factory where he works as a gateman and literally saves his life. (Централ Партнершип)

