Gendži monogatari: Sennen no nazo

  • Japan 源氏物語 千年の謎 (meer)

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Engels So colorful! Amazing costumes! The sets are bombastic! Can't complain about the acting. Melancholic, it somehow breathes the heyday of Fujiwara's power during the Heian period. For a better understanding of the story, it's a good idea to know the reality or at least read Genji (I don’t mean all four volumes, but at least two...). But the running time, oh the running time. So lengthy. I guess I was so excited to see the whole thing that I found the movie interminable and unfortunately I got bored with it. I didn't want it to be, I resisted, but in the end... and yet the meeting on the bridge was perfect. A not exactly perfect 4 stars. ()

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