Yuri Gagarin Conspiracy: Fallen Idol


After decades of exhaustive research, and at a cost of over a million dollars, a team of investigative filmmakers expose the shocking evidence of an international cover-up. All of the history books list the first man in space as Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Well, this documentary is here to prove Gagarin was NOT first. This chilling film unequivocally confirms another cosmonaut was in orbit then, one who crash-landed in China. The entire launch was hidden from the world for 50 years, blotted out, meant to be erased from history in a bizarre conspiracy perpetuated by not only the totalitarian Soviet government and the K.G.B., but also the U.S. Air Force and the C.I.A., all of whom had agents that had actually tracked and, to their downfall here, recorded this 'pre-Gagarin' flight. In addition, Gagarin's subsequent decline into mental illness and alcoholism was the result of him knowing he wasn't the first man in space, recognizing he was living a lie. The movie gives a glimpse into the appalling consequences of an international superstar's very public mood swings and outrageously inappropriate actions while under the influence. More terrifying evidence is starkly presented in this film, exposing how Gagarin was murdered in cold blood by the K.G.B. — incinerated in a phony jet crash seven years after his flight into space. Here, at last, is proof, showing how Gagarin's body was never recovered, how his whereabouts, alive or dead, are still a state secret unknown to this day — even though there was a magnificent funeral, amidst pomp and circumstance, in front of millions of viewers as the hero's 'ashes' were touchingly placed in the Kremlin wall. All of the world's history books will have to change to accommodate the startling new truths revealed in this remarkable film. (Indican Pictures)


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