Samuel Oldham

Samuel Oldham

geb. 07.03.1957 (67 jaar)
Champaign, Illinois, USA


Samuel Martin Oldham, whose professional career began as one of the original instructors at Sherwood Oaks Experimental College. As Syd Field puts it so eloquently in his book, 'Screenwriting', "'s the most unique film school in the country," where Oldham conducted a class for Hollywood professionals in 16mm filmmaking and moderated a lecture series entitled, "Anatomy of a Film," interviewing the stars and the makers of movies such as: Star Wars, Superman: The Movie, Alien, Poltergiest, The Empire Strikes Back and Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Return Of The Jedi. Oldham went on to produce, write and direct several independent video productions screening. He has also written a feature film, filming in South America, concerning the discovery of "El Dorado," the lost city of gold.

Indican Pictures




