

At the beginning of the summer Virágs, as usual, take the three children, the adolescent Bori and the meddlesome eight-year-old twins to Poldi Gardens. The ex-circus acrobat grandparents await them with a bad piece of news: Poldi Gardens are to be auctioned due to the bank loan taken for father's sports plane. The rich Lajos Sima, cooperating with the mayor, wants to establish a dumping area for dangerous waste in the place of Poldi Gardens, while duping the population with the promise of a golf-course.The children's summer is spent by trying to prevent the loss of the land, supported by a lady, the new doctor, by Jancsi, Simas' awkward son and the grandparents, who invite the once famous Bombardi world circus for a last show. At the end of the summer the children are even able to have a swim. (Megafilm)
