Phoebe Kut

Phoebe Kut


Phoebe Kut was a film neophyte when she was cast as the title character in Eve & the Fire Horse. At nine years old – with no prior acting experience – she took to the task of portraying the imaginative and slightly precocious youngster like a duck to water. She won the role after auditioning on a whim while accompanying her sister to the open call.

“It was a great way to spend summer vacation,” Phoebe recalls. “It’s fun to work on a film and when I got back to school in September the teachers had cut out articles from the newspaper and taped them to the board for everyone to see. It was weird, but good-weird!”

Phoebe says she’s definitely been bitten by the acting bug. “I want to do more, but I’m not in any hurry. I don’t go out to auditions or anything, but if the right role is offered I’d be very excited to keep acting.” So far, she has appeared in one other project: a television series called Godiva’s by director Gary Harvey for CHUM Television.

Phoebe’s various accomplishments since the tender age of nine include the “Got Most Rhythm” baby award at four years old, and several first place awards in poetry reciting and drawing. In fact, her exceptional artwork was used as set decoration for the girls’ bedroom in the film. Phoebe’s extracurricular activities include track and field, debating, choir and Chinese dancing.

Mongrel Media



Eve and the Fire Horse

