Carl Gregory

Carl Gregory

geb. 09.09.1882
Walnut, Kansas, USA

overleden 11.03.1951 (68 jaar)
Van Nuys, California, USA




Love's Flame


Yellowstone Park: Scenic No. 1


Yellowstone Park: Scenic No. 2


Yellowstone Park: Scenic No. 3


Yellowstone Park: Scenic No. 4


Yellowstone Park: Scenic No. 5


Yellowstone Park: Scenic No. 6


A Bahamian Pineapple Plantation


Harvesting Ice


The Cavalry at Fort Meyer, Va.




Thirty Leagues Under the Sea

Korte films

A Yellowstone Honeymoon


A Circumstantial Nurse


A Circus Romance


A Denver Romance


A Rural Free Delivery Romance


A Telephone Strategy


All's Well That Ends Well


At the Bottom of the Ocean


Beautiful Snow


Forced to Be Stylish


Her Awakening


Her First Lesson


Her Way


His Enemy


In Her Sleep


Percy's First Holiday


Politeness Pays


Professor Snaith


The Decoy


The Girl of the Seasons


The Hold-Up


The Little Señorita


The Purse and the Girl


The Strike


The Tangled Cat


The Target of Destiny


The Ten of Spades


The Toy Shop


The Vacant Chair


The Veteran's Sword


The Wild, Woolly West


Too Much Turkey


When East Meets West


When the Cat Came Back


Where Paths Diverge


A Campaign Manageress


A Deep Sea Liar


A Shot Gun Cupid


Algy's Awful Auto


An American in the Making


Beauty in the Seashell


Bread Upon the Waters


Cupid's Lieutenant


Friday the Thirteenth


Her Right to Happiness


His Imaginary Family


Lobster Salad and Milk


Looking for Trouble


Louie, the Life Saver


The Law of Humanity


The Little Church Around the Corner


The Mystery of the Haunted Hotel
