Amanda Adele Björk

Amanda Adele Björk


Amanda Adele Björk has been working with film since 2010. Mainly as a photographer for Swedish Television (SVT) and a producer. In 2013 she started the film production company LAMPRAY AB, from which many short films have been made, one of them being Kung Fury which won a Guldbagge. Amanda has also started the feministic production company LYNX STUDIOS, that only works with female film workers. In 2015 she wrote and directed her first short, Memento Mori. In 2016 she started studying on Stockholms Academy of Dramatic Arts and graduated in June 2019. To discharge is her graduation project. In 2019 she also won the prestigious price WILD CARD from the Swedish Film Institute with her feature film Hysterika.

Göteborg Film Festival

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