Pep Bosch

Pep Bosch

geb. 1967
Barcelona, Cataluña, Spanje


When he was 21 he directed his first short film and at 22 he moved from Barcelona to Rome, where he studied script structure and actor’s directing. In 1992 he returned to Barcelona, where he worked for television, he directed several music videos and wrote some scripts to order. Since 1996 he makes commercials, first in Spain and later in Europe. Since 2001 he works at the United States. In this facet he has been awarded numerous prizes in Cannes, San Sebastián and at the USA. Selected filmography: L’Assasinat (1989); Viatge amb un estrany, el trailer (1994); El rugido de la mantis (1999); Desde entonces no he vuelto a saber de él (2003).

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca




Korte films

Desde entonces no he vuelte a saber de él