Gabriel Nuncio

Gabriel Nuncio


His career in cinema started with the co-production of the short film Victoria para Chino (Dir. Cary Fukunaga), which won the Student Academy Award in 2004. His first feature film, Cumbres, premiered at the SXSW in 2014. He is the co-writer of Los Herederos (Dir. Jorge Hernández), whose script was selected for the Atelier at Cannes and won the National Scriptwriting Contest organized by Sogem. He co-founded Bengala, where he has produced and executive produced films such as Territorio (Dir. Andrés Clariond), Vaquero del Mediodía (Dir. Diego Enrique Osorno), Ya no Estoy Aquí (Dir. Fernando Frías) and El Norte Sobre el Vacío (Dir. Alejandra Márquez Abella), co-written by him and premiered at the Berlinale in 2022. From 2017 to 2019 he was part of the writing team for the TV series La Casa de las Flores (Season 1-3), produced by Netflix. He co-directed, Camino a Roma, a documentary about the creative process of the film Roma (Dir. Alfonso Cuarón, 2018), distributed by Netflix and The Criterion Collection. In 2020, alongside Diego Enrique Osorno, he co-founded the documentary production company Detective. El Comediante, a feature film he co-wrote, starred in, and codirected with Rodrigo Guardiola, won the Mezcal Award for the Best Mexican Film of the FICG in 2021. It premiered on Netflix in 2022. He is the showrunner of the TV series Sierra Madre, which he co-wrote and co-created with Diego Enrique Osorno. It is produced by HBO Original.

Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara





El comediante




Sierra Madre


Camino a Roma
