Gábor T. Szántó

Gábor T. Szántó


Novelist and screenwriter, born in Budapest in 1966. He studied law and political science and graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. He has been a participant of the Iowa International Writing Program Residency in the United States. Szántó is the editorin-chief of the Hungarian Jewish monthly Szombat. His additional field of interest is researching and teaching Modern Jewish Literature.

His writings include novels Keleti pályaudvar, végállomás (Eastern Station, Last Stop), 2002, Édeshármas (Threesome), 2012 and Kafka macskái (Kafka’s Cats), 2014, as well as volumes of short stories and novellas. Szántó’s writings have been published in German, Russian and English, and a Turkish publication of Kafka’s Cats is in the works. His short story Hazatérés (Homecoming, 2004) serves as the basis of the film 1945. The short story came out in German (Heimkehr) in the periodical Wespennest 166/2014 and in Russian in his volume Obratnij Bilet (Moscow, 2008). It has also been translated into English and Spanish.

Menemsha Films
