Lee Moran

Lee Moran

geb. 23.06.1888
Chicago, Illinois, USA

overleden 24.04.1961 (72 jaar)
Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA





Circumstantial Evidence


Honeymoon Limited


Streamline Express


The Calling of Dan Matthews


The Night Life of the Gods




Jimmy the Gent


The Circus Clown




Footlight Parade


Goldie Gets Along


Grand Slam


High Gear




On Your Guard




Sitting Pretty


Son of a Sailor


The Eleventh Commandment




Hat Check Girl


Sister to Judas




The Death Kiss


The Fighting Gentleman


Uptown New York


Caught Plastered


Other Men's Women


The Mad Genius


A Soldier's Plaything


Dancing Sweeties


Golden Dawn






Pardon My Gun


Sweet Mama


Children of the Ritz


Dance Hall


Glad Rag Doll


Gold Diggers of Broadway


Hearts in Exile


Madonna of Avenue A


No Defense


On with the Show!


The Aviator


The Show of Shows


A Woman Against the World


Ladies of the Night Club




Show Girl


Taxi 13


Thanks for the Buggy Ride


The Actress


The Look Out Girl


The Racket


Fast and Furious


Spring Fever


The Irresistible Lover


The Rose of Kildare


The Thrill Seekers


Wolf's Clothing


Her Big Night


Syncopating Sue


Take It From Me


The Little Irish Girl


After Business Hours


Fifth Avenue Models


Jimmie's Millions


My Lady of Whims




Where Was I?


Daring Youth


Gambling Wives


Listen Lester


The Fast Worker


The Tomboy


Apartment Wanted


A Shocking Night


Everything But the Truth


Fixed by George


La La Lucille


Almost Welcome


How Do You Feel?


Pretty Baby


Almost a Knockout


Mrs. Plum's Pudding


An Elephant on His Hands


The Hollywood Gad-About


Screen Snapshots, Series 3, No. 13


Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 8


Behind the Screen


The Great Universal Mystery

Korte films

One Awful Night


Pickin' a Winner


That's News to Me


My Harem


Hello, Hollywood


His High Horse


Honeymoon, Ltd.




Up on the Farm


Dizzy Daisy


Hot Air


Pain as You Enter


Game Hunters


The American Plan


The Busher


The Home Plate


Uncle Sam


Atta Boy


Foolish Lives


Hello, Judge




Hicksville's Romeo


Red Hot Rivals


Some Family


Ten Seconds


The Rubberneck


The Straphanger


The Touchdown


Three Weeks Off


Upper and Lower


Women First


Blue Sunday




Robinson's Trousseau


Roman Romeos


Ain't Nature Wonderful?


Bungled Bungalows


Butting in on Baby


Caught in the End


Concrete Biscuits


Downing an Uprising


Non Skid Love


Officer, Call a Cop


Oiling Uncle


Old Clothes for New


Once a Plumber


Pick Out Your Husband


Some Shimmiers


Somebody Lied


Stop That Shimmy


Stop That Wedding


Sweet Patootie


The Latest in Pants


The Sweet Dry and Dry


Too Many Burglars


Why Lee!


Wives and Old Sweethearts


A Dog Gone Shame


A Model Husband


All Bound Around


All in the Swim


Chicken a la King


Don't Kid Your Wife


Fun in 'A' Flat


Good Night, Ladies


Half and Half


Happy Returns


Heart Trouble


His Body for Rent


His Friend's Trip


How's Your Husband?


In the Good Old Days


Kitchen Police


Lay Off!


Marry My Wife


Missing Husband


Mixed Tales


Oh! Ethel!


Oh! Oh! Nursie!


Penny Ante


Scared Stiff


Sing, Rosa, Sing!


Skidding Thrones


Stateroom Secrets


Taking Things Easy


Ten Nights in a Tea Room


The Bullshevicks


The Expert Eloper


The Smell of the Yukon


The Strike Breakers


The Wife Breakers


Three in a Closet


Tick Tock Man


Up the Flue


Waiting at the Church


Who's Her Husband?


Wise Wives


Woes of a Woman


A Duck Out of Water


A Pigskin Hero


A Ripping Time


Bad News


Berth Control


Camping Out


Damaged Goods


Don't Shoot!


Don't Weaken!


Frenzied Film


Give Her Gas




Hearts and Let Us


Maid Wanted


Mum's the Word


Nailed at the Plate


Nearly a Chaperone


Please Hit Me


Shot in the Dumbwaiter


Stepping Some


Straight Crooks


Swat the Flirt


The Dodgers


The Extra Bridegroom


The Guilty Egg


The House Cleaning Horrors


The Knockout


The One Horse Show


The Price of a Rotten Time


The Tail of a Cat


The Vamp Cure


There Goes the Bride


Whose Baby Are You?


Why Worry!


A Bundle of Trouble


A Dark Deed


A Fire Escape Finish


A Hasty Hazing


A Macaroni Sleuth


A Million in Sight


Burglar by Request


Down Went the Key


Five Little Widows


Follow the Tracks


His Wife's Relatives


Hot Applications


In Again, Out Again


Jilted in Jail


Looking 'Em Over


Married by Accident


Minding the Baby


Mixed Matrimony


Move Over


Moving Day


One Thousand Miles an Hour


Pete, the Prowler


Poor Peter Pious


Practice What You Preach


Seeing Things


Shot in the West


Some Specimens


Taking Their Medicine


Tell Morgan's Girl


The Boulevard Speed Hounds


The Home Wreckers


The Lost Appetite


The Love Slacker


The Nightcap


The Other Stocking


The Rushin' Dancers


The Shame of a Chaperone


The War Bridegroom


To Be or Not to Be Married


To Oblige a Vampire


Treat 'Em Rough


Under the Bed


Welcome Home


What a Clue Will Do


When the Cat's Away


Who's Looney Now?


Why, Uncle!


Wild and Woolly Women


A Friend, But a Star Boarder


A Leap Year Tangle


A Political Tramp


A Quiet Supper for Four


A Silly Sultan


All Bets Off


Almost Guilty


Art for Art's Sake


Beer Must Go Down


Broke But Ambitious


Caught with the Goods


Cupid Trims His Lordship


Double Crossing the Dean


Eddie's Night Out


He Maid Me


He's a Devil


Her Celluloid Hero


Her Friend, the Doctor


Her Hero Maid


His Own Nemesis


How Times Do Change


It Sounded Like a Kiss


Jed's Trip to the Fair


Kill the Umpire


Knights of a Bathtub


Lem's College Career


Love and Vaccination


Love and a Liar


Mingling Spirits


Model 46


Never Again Eddie!


Nobody Guilty


Pass the Prunes


Potts Bungles Again


Some Honeymoon


The Barfly


The Battle of Chili Con Carne


The Boy from the Gilded East


The Deacon's Waterloo


The Janitor's Busy Day


The Terrible Turk


The White Turkey


Their Awful Predicament


Two Small Town Romeos


What Could the Poor Girl Do?


When Aunt Matilda Fell


When Lizzie Disappeared


When the Losers Won


When the Spirits Fell


With the Spirit's Help


A Coat's a Coat


A Mix-up at Maxim's


A Peach and a Pair


All Aboard


All Over the Biscuits


Almost a King


An Heiress for Two


Caught by a Thread


Eddie's Awful Predicament


Eddie's Little Love Affair


Eddie's Little Nightmare


Following Father's Footsteps


He Fell in a Cabaret


He Fell in the Park


Her Friend, the Milkman


Her Rustic Hero


His Egyptian Affinity


His Nobs the Duke


His Only Pants


How Doctor Cupid Won


It Almost Happened


Jed's Little Elopement


Kids and Corsets


Little Egypt Malone


Lizzie Breaks Into the Harem


Lizzie and the Beauty Contest


Lizzie's Dizzy Career


Lost: Three Teeth


Love and a Savage


Nellie the Pride of the Fire House


Some Chaperone


Some Fixer


The Baby's Fault


The Downfall of Potts


The Rise and Fall of Officer 13


The Tale of His Pants


Their Happy Honeymoon


Their Quiet Honeymoon


They Were Heroes


They Were on Their Honeymoon


Tony, the Wop


Too Many Crooks


Too Many Smiths


Wanted... A Chaperone


Wanted: A Leading Lady


When Cupid Caught a Thief


When Eddie Took a Bath


When He Proposed


When Her Idol Fell


When His Lordship Proposed


When Lizzie Went to Sea


When They Were Co-Eds


When the Deacon Swore


When the Mummy Cried for Help


When the Spirits Moved


Where the Heather Blooms


A Lucky Deception


A Troublesome Wink


All at Sea


And the Villain Still Pursued Her


Captain Bill's Warm Reception


Detective Dan Cupid


Feeding the Kitty


Fruits and Flowers


He Never Said a Word


Her Husbands


Her Moonshine Lover


His Dog-Gone Luck


His Royal Pants


His Strenuous Honeymoon


In Taxi 23


On Rugged Shores


One of the Finest


Out of the Frying Pan


She Was Only a Working Girl




Sophie of the Films #1


Sophie of the Films #2


Sophie of the Films #3


Sophie of the Films #4


Such a Villain


Their Honeymoon


Their Ups and Downs


Those College Days


Those Persistent Old Maids


Those Were the Happy Days


Twixt Love and Flour


What a Baby Did


When Bess Got in Wrong


When Billy Proposed


When Eddie Went to the Front


When Lizzie Got Her Polish


When Their Brides Got Mixed


When Ursus Threw the Bull


When the Girls Joined the Force


When the Girls Were Shanghaied


Who Stole the Bridegroom?


A Man of the People


A Mix-Up in Bandits


A Pair of Bears


A Tale of the West


A Woman's Way


Almost a Rescue


Almost an Actress


Cupid's Bad Aim


Curses! Said the Villain


Four Queens and a Jack


Hawkeye to the Rescue


Hawkeye's Great Capture


He and Himself


Her Friend, the Butler


Her Hero's Predicament


His Crazy Job


His Friend, the Undertaker


His Wife's Burglar


Locked Out at Twelve


Love, Luck and a Paint Brush


On Cupid's Highway


Some Runner


Teaching Dad a Lesson


The Battle of Bull Con


The Brothers


The Girl Ranchers


The Girls and Dad


The Golden Princess Mine


The Tale of a Hat


The Trail of the Serpent


Their Lucky Day


Their Two Kids


To the Brave Belong the Fair


Under Western Skies


Weighed in the Balance


Western Hearts


What the Wild Waves Did


When Cupid Won


When His Courage Failed


When a Man Marries


Won by a Skirt


A Game of Bluff


A Stubborn Cupid


Beneath Western Skies


Hearts and Skirts


Her Friend, the Doctor


Making a Man of Her


Sharps and Chaps


The Flower of the Forest


The Girl and the Sheriff


The Girls and the Chaperone


The Lady Barber of Roaring Gulch


The Ranch Girl's Choice


The Shanghaied Cowboys


The Sheriff Outwitted


Three of a Kind


When Hearts Are Trumps


When the Heart Calls


Young Wild West Cornered by Apaches


Young Wild West Trapping a Tricky Rustler


Young Wild West Washing Out Gold


Young Wild West on the Border


Young Wild West's Prairie Pursuit



A Shocking Night


Everything But the Truth


Fixed by George


La La Lucille


Almost Welcome

Korte films

Here and There


A Lot of Bull


Blue Sunday


Roman Romeos


Ain't Nature Wonderful?


Bungled Bungalows


Butting in on Baby


Caught in the End


Concrete Biscuits




Downing an Uprising


Non Skid Love


Officer, Call a Cop


Oiling Uncle


Old Clothes for New


Once a Plumber


Pick Out Your Husband


Some Shimmiers


Somebody Lied


Stop That Shimmy


Stop That Wedding


Sweet Patootie


The Latest in Pants


The Sweet Dry and Dry


Too Many Burglars


Why Lee!


Wives and Old Sweethearts


A Dog Gone Shame


A Model Husband


All Bound Around


All in the Swim


Chicken a la King


Don't Kid Your Wife


Fun in 'A' Flat


Good Night, Ladies


Half and Half


Heart Trouble


His Body for Rent


His Friend's Trip


How's Your Husband?


In the Good Old Days


Kitchen Police


Lay Off!


Marry My Wife


Missing Husband


Mixed Tales


Oh! Oh! Nursie!


Penny Ante


Scared Stiff


Sing, Rosa, Sing!


Skidding Thrones


Ten Nights in a Tea Room


The Bullshevicks


The Expert Eloper


The Smell of the Yukon


The Strike Breakers


The Wife Breakers


Three in a Closet


Tick Tock Man


Up the Flue


Waiting at the Church


Who's Her Husband?


Wise Wives


Woes of a Woman


A Duck Out of Water


A Pigskin Hero


A Ripping Time


Bad News


Berth Control


Camping Out


Damaged Goods


Don't Shoot!


Don't Weaken!


Frenzied Film


Give Her Gas




Hearts and Let Us


Maid Wanted


Mum's the Word


Nailed at the Plate


Nearly a Chaperone


Please Hit Me


Shot in the Dumbwaiter


Stepping Some


Straight Crooks


Swat the Flirt


The Dodgers


The Extra Bridegroom


The Guilty Egg


The House Cleaning Horrors


The Knockout


The One Horse Show


The Price of a Rotten Time


The Tail of a Cat


The Vamp Cure


Whose Baby Are You?


Why Worry!


All Bets Off


Art for Art's Sake


Beer Must Go Down


Caught with the Goods


He Maid Me


Kill the Umpire

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