Hans Funck

Hans Funck

geb. 1953

overleden 16.07.2014
München, München (Stadt), Bayern, Duitsland


One of Germany's most acclaimed editors, Hans Funck was most closely associated with the director Oliver Hirschbiegel, having edited all but one of the films Hirschbiegel made between 1998 and 2013. These include DAS EXPERIMENT, DOWNFALL, THE INVASION, FIVE MINUTES OF HEAVEN and DIANA.

Funck edited Katja von Garnier's road movie, BANDITS and her IRON JAWED ANGELS. Funck also frequently worked with director Marc Rothermund, most notably on SOPHIE SCHOLL – THE FINAL DAYS. Other credits include Stefan Ruzowitzky's thriller ANATOMY 2, Robert Schwentke's black comedy EIERDIEBE (THE FAMILY JEWELS) and Sönke Wortmann's POPE JOAN.

Hans Funck died suddenly at home of an apparent asthma attack while working on THE GIRL KING and Ankie Lau's film entitled WISHING TREE. He had just finished the fine cut of THE GIRL KING and the film is dedicated to his memory. His close friend and long-time colleague, editor, Alexander Berner, worked with Mika Kaurismäki to complete the film.

Marianna Films

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