Cynthia Dorn

Cynthia Dorn

geb. 18.12.1955 (68 jaar)
Glasgow, Scotland, Groot Brittanië


A native Texan, Cynthia has performed for over 20 years as a stage, radio, television and film actress. Her television credits include The Con (with William H. Macy & Rebecca DeMornay), For the Love of Zachary (with Vanessa Redgraves & Valerie Bertinelli), and A Woman of Independent Means (with Sally Field). On the big screen, she was Esther in The Rookie (with Dennis Quaid), and a judge in Miss Congeniality (with Sandra Bullock). Recent independent features include a role as the FBI agent in The Anarchist's Cookbook, and the put-upon Mother Harper in Screen Door Jesus. Miss Dorn had done narrations for the Women's Suffrage Museum, and is a founding member of the performing arts ensemble New Arts Six.

Indican Pictures


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