Pam Wise

Pam Wise


Editor Pam Wise, A.C.E., began her career editing cinema verite documentaries with Ricky Leacock, Charlotte Zwerin, and the Maysles brothers. She is the 1998 A.C.E. Eddie Award Winner for the Oscar Nominated, Best Feature Documentary – DANCEMAKER.

She has edited numerous award winning narrative features, including Secretary, Transamerica, Dark Matter, and Then She Found Me. She has done extensive music and dance editing on such films as Horowitz Plays Mozart, a Maysles feature documentary, Carnegie Hall Gets Plastered, (co-director), A Tribute to Hank Williams, John Lennon Live in NY, and Accumulation with Water Motor, directed by Jonathan Demme. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Motion Picture Editors Guild, and a member of American Cinema Editors.

Ptarmigan Films
