Jeremy Dawson

Jeremy Dawson


Jeremy Dawson began his continuing association with Wes Anderson when he served as visual effects supervisor on The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. He subsequently co-produced The Darjeeling Limited, and produced Fantastic Mr. Fox. The latter received Academy Award nominations for Best Animated Feature and for Alexandre Desplat's original score, among other honors.
He started in the film industry by designing the title sequence for Darren Aronofsky's acclaimed debut feature Pi. He has since designed visual effects and animation for several films, including Julie Taymor's Frida and Across the Universe; and, reteamed with Mr. Aronofsky, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain (on which he was also the second unit director), and Black Swan (for which he designed the main titles). He has twice been nominated for the Visual Effects Society (VES) Award, with his colleagues from Frida and The Fountain.

Focus Features




Fantastic Mr. Fox