Pablo Stoll

Pablo Stoll

geb. 1974
Montevideo, Uruguay


Juan Pablo Rebella and Pablo Stoll (both b. 1974, Montevideo) met at university where they studied mass communications. Together they wrote and filmed an animated series called "El service." In 2001 they wrote, shot and produced the low-budget film 25 Watts, screened in the Forum of Indepedents at Karlovy Vary in 2001, and awarded at many festivals. Their next film, Whisky, was highly popular with both critics and audiences at this year's Cannes festival, winning the Jury Prize in the section Un certain regard, as well as Best Screenplay from the Sundance Institute. Director Stoll had this to say about the film: "We started to realize that perhaps these characters were not much different from ourselves... That they could be a projection...of what we might be in twenty, thirty years."

MFF Karlovy Vary




Korte films

31 de diciembre