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Recensie (573)


Happy Death Day 2U (2019) 

Engels Tree is in a time loop again and someone is after her. When she dies, she wakes up again and gets a second chance, but this time it's more complicated, because she's in a world where the rules are a little different. Happy Death Day 2U deserves praise for not just being a classic sequel, but for trying to inject more sci-fi or dramatic elements into the story. Sadly, the problem is the execution. Christopher Landon may have had enough ideas, but as a director he doesn't have the chops to mix them into an entertaining film.


Hoe tem je een draak 3 (2019) 

Engels A worthy ending to a trilogy that suggests it could easily have gone on for a while. There is too much going on in How to Train Your Dragon 3, and they don't have enough time to devote to all of it properly, and splitting it into two films would certainly have come in handy. At the same time, it's still a proper animated adventure with great action, fine characters, excellent music and a few scenes that leave you breathless.


Searching (2018) 

Engels John Cho finds out that his daughter is missing and now he tries to find her with the help of the police. A rather ordinary plot? Maybe, but The Search is definitely not an ordinary movie. The fact that it's shot entirely on cell phone or computer cameras, and we see what's happening on a laptop screen instead of a traditional manhunt, makes it something a little different. And it works surprisingly well in the thriller genre. The Search is an interesting, but above all suspenseful and cleverly conceived film that you definitely shouldn't miss.


Alita: Battle Angel (2019) 

Engels I wasn't expecting much, but I was hoping it would turn out to be a fun and nice looking piece of crap. And in the end, it did. Alita probably won't appear on my list of the best films of the year, but the two hours in the cinema went by faster and more pleasantly than I would have guessed a few weeks ago. The visual effects and production design are top-notch and it's a really good watch, but this sci-fi epic gets the most points for its heroine. Rosa Salazar is great as Alita, she's both endearingly freaky and spectacularly deadly at the right moments. Robert Rodriguez keeps a surprisingly low profile and his action scenes are lucid and milk Hollywood's current technological capabilities to the max. The whole thing may be a little cheesy and 90s in both the good and bad sense of the word, but they are clearly aware of that. A lot of the themes aren't fleshed out enough (and shouldn't have been) and at times Alita turns into a sci-fi romance for teenage girls, but it still works. Personally, I had no problem tuning in on the same wavelength as Rodriguez and Cameron and enjoying the fact that it's big, beautiful, action-packed and fun. And basically, that was enough to satisfy me.


Serenity (2019) 

Engels When Matthew McConaughey's ex-wife Anne Hathaway arrives on a small tropical island and wants him to kill her new husband, crazy things start happening. Probably a lot crazier than you'd expect, but unfortunately not very entertaining. Serenity is a combination of film-noir and femme fatale with Alex Proyas's Dark City, The Matrix, Lost, Inception, Total Recall and a documentary about fishing. If you are into that, feel free to give the cinema a try. Otherwise, I'd recommend watching any of the listed above. Even if it's your tenth time, you'll probably have a lot more fun.


Glass (2019) 

Engels M. Night Shyamalan goes back to his roots and disappoints badly. In everything. Glass is a film that will probably make you a little embarrassed for the filmmaker himself. It looks televisual, but above all it's all incredibly stupid and self-aware at the same time. The twists and turns are absurd, the pacing is awfully slow and any attempts at philosophising are inhumanly off, and the decent Bruce Willis and James McAvoy can't pull it up to average. Watching Glass is like watching M. Night Shyamalan destroy his own legacy for two hours. And it's not a pretty sight.


Hotel Artemis (2018) 

Engels What can happen in a secret hospital for criminals when a murderer, a smuggler, two thieves, a nurse with a rather too positive relationship with alcohol and a huge caregiver come together? Surprisingly, not much action. Rather than action, Hotel Artemis relies on good actors, a few unexpected twists and turns and, above all, interesting characters, each of whom manages to surprise more than once. It's a good conversational film that's fun to watch, but if you want an action thriller, look elsewhere.


Bumblebee (2018) 

Engels This was really good, and if Transformers continues in this form, I'll be happy to go see it. Travis Knight has handled the move from animation to live-action CGI spectacle flawlessly, and he's absolutely confident in the action scenes – which are considerably clearer than in any of the Transformers sequels. They're also usually significantly smaller, of course, but again, in one-on-one fights, you get to enjoy the robot MMA considerably more, and when it comes to epic battles of armies, there's plenty to watch too, and it's never a mess. In fact, after the opening scene, I was thinking that I wouldn't mind at all if Knight actually ended up directing the third Guardians of the Galaxy. But what's especially nice is the fact that the film isn't afraid to slow down and tackle the characters, both the human and transformer ones. Bumblebee relies on a nice 80s atmosphere, a fun soundtrack and the feel of adventure films like the ones Steven Spielberg made in that decade. Besides, Hailee Steinfeld does a fine job as both a selfless teenager and a determined heroine, and John Cena doesn't get in the way either. It looks good, it's good to watch, and it's just long enough, though it could have been paced a little more briskly in the middle section. The phrase "less is sometimes more" applies 100% here, and this is by far the best film in the Transformers franchise after the first. As it stands, Transformers still has a lot to offer, so hopefully people will go see it. Although I understand that after The Last Knight, what I write here is probably hard to believe. But give it a chance, you'll be pleasantly surprised.


Aquaman (2018) 

Engels Aquaman can't be denied one thing, it is truly monumental. James Wan sends countless creatures, monsters and strange beings to the screen, or at least actors in really crazy costumes. Is it overstuffed? Yes, but on the other hand, the magnificence is really impressive and on top of that, every single underwater creature was really elaborate. Something this gigantic and epic hasn't been done since Avatar. And when it starts moving or fighting, it looks great on screen. Unfortunately though, Aquaman has two quite possibly the worst Hollywood actors in the lead role and that's where it grinds. Wan does manage to restrain Jason Momoa and Amber Heard, giving them minimal room to act and mostly just doing what they're good at (looking good), but as soon as the film attempts romance, humour, or pathos, it doesn't work due to their ineptitude. Fortunately, it's not that often. In fact, I was also initially bothered by the rather chaotic narrative structure, where they jump from the present to the past so that the origin story can somehow be caught up quickly and what would otherwise be worthy of a standalone film is crammed into two scenes. And unfortunately, the level of stupidity also occasionally crosses the line. Still, I'll happily sign off that this is the best DC Comic film and if I were twelve, I'd want to sign up for a diving club. On the other hand, I'd rather watch four out of five Marvel movies than this one, because there's still the problem that previous Warner comic-book adaptations have struggled with: it takes itself too seriously for the crap it is. And yet, right here, during the scenes where Amber Heard is floating on a killer whale and shooting water lasers out of her hands, it really needed that bit of levity.


Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) 

Engels Miles Morales was an ordinary student and teenager before he was bitten by a radioactive spider. Now he must learn to control his powers and become a hero before a strange experiment destroys all of New York. Fortunately, he will get the help of spider heroes from other dimensions... and it's great. The animated Spidey is an aggressive, brisk and modern ride that is great to watch thanks to brilliant comic book styling, has excellent action and works in both humour and drama. Plus, it cleverly uses the fact that in animated form, you can come up with crazy things that wouldn't work in live-action. One of the best comic book films of recent years, and quite possibly the best Spider-Man ever.