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Lola rennt (1998) 

Engels Yes, I confess, I saw Run Lola Run for the first time today. And the film has made me completely out of it. As far as German films go, it is certainly the most original film in their history and (after Das Boot) the second best ever. An idea like this just comes along once every so many years.... And when it is supported by sensational direction and cinematography and a disarming performance by Franka Potente, all the useless talk goes away. Run Lola Run is perfect.


Eight Legged Freaks (2002) 

Engels I HATE SPIDERS! Seriously, I can't see, hear, just anything (including Spiderman) involving those eight-legged bastards. I didn't mind them here, though, because fear is the last thing that you will find in Eight Legged Freaks. The whole film is about exaggeration, action, more or less good digital effects... And that was fine with me. Undemanding fun with likeable actors and a good Ottman.


Bangkok Dangerous (2008) 

Engels Nicolas Cage has no luck when it comes to scripts. Otherwise, I can't explain why Bangkok Dangerous is so hopeless, even though it is quite nicely and interestingly directed. I wasn't expecting much from the film and was looking forward to at least an entertaining B-movie. After the start in Prague it looked promising, and after arriving in Bangkok the same. But then it all started to fall apart. The dumb script turns Cage's silent killer into an idiot who (although a super-professional in his field) doesn't know what disinfectant to buy at the pharmacy for his wound, falls in love with the pharmacist, starts (why on earth?) mentoring and training his henchman... Oh, my God. It is saved by a few well-done action scenes, but unfortunately they are short and have too much (non) plot filler between them. As for the action, the best part of the whole film is definitely the boat chase... The destruction of one of the villains in the pool is also filmed quite effectively and the final shootout has something to it, although it is too drowned in darkness for my taste. Two and a half stars.


Maestro (2005) 

Engels At the beginning I was waiting to see what would come of it. After a while, I knew. Halfway through the short I was sure.... and the final point proved me right. The five-minute film is not particularly entertaining, but the ending will make sure you laugh at least before the credits. I wouldn't bet on you watching it again, though.


El espinazo del diablo (2001) 

Engels Del Toro is the man! The Devil's Backbone may not reach the quality of the newer Pan's Labyrinth, but it is a nearly flawless spectacle. Yes, a spectacle above all, because especially the cinematography and direction are magnificent. The story may be B-movie (as is usual with Guillermo), but the way it is presented makes it a real atmospheric treat. I was a bit sorry maybe that it didn't escalate more towards the end.


On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) 

Engels With much hindsight, and having finally seen this Bond film in its original version, I have to admit that it's not bad at all. I'd even argue that it's a great pity Lazenby didn't (want to) get another chance. He plays 007 quite convincingly, although he lacks Connery's charm. He's tough and his fights, for example, are a joy to watch. The film also features the first of Bond's ski chases, an impeccably shot avalanche scene, a bobsled chase, and a final mega-action set piece with helicopters. Blofeld, with the face of Telly Savalas, once again has an admirable diabolical plan, and the Bond girl (Bond wife?), who always gives me goosebumps, is really hot. There's a wonderful song to go with it (when Louis Armstrong sings John Barry's tune, everything is perfect). Five stars.


Gamer (2009) 

Engels Yes, this is how I imagine an action-packed ride that is not afraid to show blood spurting in all directions, doesn't let up and doesn't get boring for the whole 90 minutes. Especially compared to the yawn-inducing Crank, Gamer is almost a masterpiece. Three and a half stars - one for Butler, one for Michael C. Hall, the third for the perfectly (although the editor was probably the devil himself) staged battles conceived in a precise video game style... Half a star for the fact that the filmmakers tried to squeeze in some criticism of society. P.S. The final "dance number" is really a must see.


Clash of the Titans (2010) 

Engels A much lesser evil after a second viewing. The biggest flaws (Leterrier's botched direction of everything, rip-offs at every turn, the absolutely plankish Worthington, the terrible music) remain, but once you're sort of prepared for what you'll see it gets a lot more digestible. Two and a half stars.


Diamonds Are Forever (1971) 

Engels Connery's weakest Bond film = three and a half stars, rounded up. The biggest problem with Diamonds Are Forever is the script. It is uninteresting and confusing story-wise, especially the entire second third of the film. Fortunately, there is no shortage of interesting skirmishes and various "tricks". The three best moments are definitely the fight in the elevator (a truly imaginative scene), the great coffin scene and the car chase (the one in the moon buggy and the Las Vegas one at night). The ending of the film doesn't offend either, but somehow it doesn't have the proper Bond-esque grace. John Barry's song and music are of a traditionally high standard, and Bond has a number of pretty ladies at his disposal here. Like I said, three and a half, no more.


Big Buck Bunny (2008) 

Engels So these three little buggers just pissed off the wrong rabbit! They definitely shouldn't have touched his butterflies! The protagonist is (especially when he gives vent to his Rambo tendencies) irresistibly big, but my favorite is still the tiny grey animal with a dull expression, who is always chomping on something. And a bird that looks like it's from Pixar... was a delight, too. P.S. Watch to the end of the credits!