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Recensie (59)


The Pope's Exorcist (2023) 

Engels It's an interesting effort. The cast is quite enticing - I don't think Russell would play in any BS movie. The story is good, and the execution is also solid, although there are a few weaker moments. Overall, I consider it well-done. I never expect a cultural masterpiece from a horror movie, but rather a fun and relaxing experience, which is exactly what this provided. The fact that it is based on a real character and a "real" story of an exorcist adds to its appeal. I'm curious to know how many people ordered books by Amorth after watching the movie :) I would give it three stars, which is an above-average rating for this genre.


Abyzou (2022) 

Engels This is GOOD and it's enough for a three-star rating, which is a decent average :) You got scared a few times, the story is fairly well-explained, it makes sense and has a proper beginning and ending. The only weak point is when they show the main antagonist, who appears quite amateurish. But overall, it's quite well done. You may not feel the need to watch it again, but you certainly don't regret watching it, so that's a positive outcome for you :)


Mindcage (2022) 

Engels Well, this was a total disappointment once again! A brilliant example of how even famous and big-name actors can mean utter garbage. The movie has only one good thing, and that is the concept. Religious-oriented murders, that's pretty cool, but that's where it begins and ends. The performances are terrible, the soundtrack is ridiculously awful, as if the sound technician froze in the '90s, and the developing plot doesn't actually develop at all. The final twist may be a twist, but the overall explanation made me laugh so hard that I'm thinking, "Well damn, are we really incapable of making a good movie anymore?" It absolutely doesn't compare to the movie "Seven." I might watch that to improve my mood because this, ladies and gentlemen, is a complete waste of time. Bleh.


The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die (2023) 

Engels As a TV show with five seasons, The Last Kingdom is AMAZING!... but as a movie, unfortunately, it's pretty bad. They failed to stuff everything they needed into a 1.5hrs long movie, and it feels very rushed. Additionally, it keeps repeating the same moments we've seen already a hundred times before (oaths to the king, lies, ambushes, the death of a parent, one battle, two battles), and of course, the obligatory LGBTQ+ representation that Netflix never seems to miss. It's just not good, and I only give it one star because of the somewhat decent ending and because of Finan. And please, let Uhtred rest, he has served his purpose!


The Visitor (2022) 

Engels It's strange how lately movies seem to be about nothing in particular. Here's another proof that an initially interesting concept can fizzle out completely. I can't say it's a total mess, but it lacks depth. There are a few creepy moments and a cult plotline, but it falls short of being characterized as a "horror" movie... it could have offered so much more :(


Shadow and Bone - Season 1 (2021) (Seizoen) 

Engels It's quite interesting. Finally something new that doesn't follow the usual American formula. It has a strong Russian-Mongolian flavor, which adds charm, and the effects are also good. I could do without the romantic subplot, but it's bearable. If only the main character were more of a badass and kicked everyone's asses as they should. But it's definitely worth watching.


The Devil Conspiracy (2022) 

Engels So let's start right off the bat - it's a crap. Crap with an interesting premise and a few really cool moments like Constantin. However, the rest is simply dreadful. Even just the description of it being a "Czech-American horror" should say more than a thousand words. Acting-wise, this is just plain bad.


The Ritual Killer (2023) 

Engels I haven't seen such a pile of crap in a looong time. The cast seemed appealing, as well as the theme. Ritual killers, wow wow wow... even the first chase scene felt strange to me, and then it happened - it turned into a complete amateur mess, where everything is so cheap and predictable that it made me flip the labels on my underwear. Cole aka Rip from Yellowstone is trying, as well as Morgan, but it's shamefully not enough, and it's truly a ridiculous farce. The thing I liked the most was probably the last 15 seconds of the movie. Seriously, don't watch it, it's a complete waste of time!


65 (2023) 

Engels A pleasant surprise indeed! A very interesting story that appears to be sci-fi, but takes us back to the time of dinosaurs, approximately 65 million years ago. The effects CGI are well done, the plot is engaging, and it's enjoyable to watch. Adam is cool, and the girl is also pretty good (which is a compliment coming from me, as I often have issues with child actors). What I realized only after finishing the whole movie is that we're actually only watching two characters/actors, and it's absolutely sufficient. There's no need for hundreds of more. This unique aspect adds to the intimacy and perfectly complements the movie's concept. So, for me, it's a good sci-fi movie that I would happily watch again.

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