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Recensie (1 480)


SHARK (2014) (serie) 

Engels This is such a sad series. The actors are bad, they have a band but it's nothing world class, nothing that grabs you, takes you by the heart, nothing that makes you turn on this show with its awful story and poorly acted archetypes. The twists and turns are so predictable and ill-fitting that it's ridiculous. There's no one particularly nice, likable, or charismatic. A waste of time.


Noragami (2014) (serie) 

Engels A pleasant surprise of the winter season. It accomplished exactly what it was supposed to – an unpretentious show with an interesting story and likeable characters, but it didn't play at being something it's not. You don't get bored with it, nor do you have much of a chance to, there's always something going on, but it's not such a frantic race that you won't be able to catch your breath again. I liked the OP and ED, I listened to them every time. For me, a very high quality anime that delivers what it promises – afternoon entertainment.


Log Horizon (2013) (serie) 

Engels If I were to compare it to SAO like everyone else, I'd have to say that this is definitely better, and in all aspects – I liked the story, the music, the more fleshed-out characters, and the superior animation (and by the way, this story was written before SAO, so it’s not copying it, at most it's now getting a boost from its popularity). After all, the characters are older, so they act more mature, the story doesn't have tons of fluff and illogical behavior, and I think that's something to be appreciated in a medium like anime. The opening and the ending both suited me, so another plus. For my part, a very good 4 stars and I'm looking forward to the second season. Sekai wo kaerujôni.


Hooayoo (2013) (serie) 

Engels Tedious. You don't even have to pay much attention, and when you pay 100% attention to it, after a while you realize the plot hasn’t moved anywhere. The acting... well, what can you say, that's not why you watch this show full of clichés and plot holes and crutches. This show only makes sense for female fans. Taecyeon. I can't even think of anything to praise about it. It's certainly not a disaster, but once I turn it off, I'll forget I saw it.


Hoshi no kinka (1995) (serie) 

Engels We can finally admit it, Japan in the 90s was full of psychopaths and sociopaths, but also good people. Except that I get the feeling that the group of "vague" people was the majority. There was all this screaming, even though the main character is deaf and dumb. The first two episodes were quite hard for me to get through, I thought it had an awfully heavy atmosphere. Fortunately, it "got better". This is a melodrama, and although I'm not a huge fan of those, this one was quite heartbreaking and I was left a bit tormented (not like I was sobbing at it, but some of the scenes really did hurt). I'll probably check out the second season sometime in the future... Yutaka got his start here, and you can see him overacting in some scenes, but it wasn't anything distracting, you could see he got better towards the end. On the other hand, Sakai Noriko played the deaf-mute Aya to a tee. I liked how each character had her own personality, somehow moving forward, playing only for herself, although some of the female characters seemed like a carbon copy in certain aspects. Still, if you're looking to get familiar with Japanese series from the 90s, I don't think this is such a bad choice. A weaker 4 stars.


Boku no ita džikan (2014) (serie) 

Engels I really liked the beginning, and I thought if it continues in this vein, it will be perfect. But as is clear from the reviews, it didn't. I've seen Miura die once before and I have to admit that he's really grown as an actor since then, so thumbs up. Unfortunately for the character of Takuto, even though he was interesting at the beginning, after a while of playing someone who is wheelchair-bound and can't move a lot of muscles doesn’t exactly allow you to show your potential. Mikako Tabe wasn't bad, in fact she was downright above average here and there, but even so her character was such a grey nothing. So much for the main roles. On the other hand, the supporting characters were handled to perfection, whether it was Takuto's brother, parents, Shige, Hina, or Mamoru – I found them much more varied and interesting than the main character. Even the doctor in the last episode entertained me more! Towards the end I was enjoying the scenes with them more than the ones with the wheelchair boy. Plus, the pace gradually slowed down until I stopped paying attention and kind of just wondered if Takuto was going to die already (that probably sounds terrible, but after all, this is a series about someone who has a disease that wants to send him under the bushes before his time). Except that... The ending was pretty disappointing. The music didn't really grab my attention, it was more like a worse average. Just like the series. What shame, it had looked so promising! In the end, my viewing pleasure was fueled by everyone except the main couple. And you'd think they'd be bawling. Whatever. Only one scene was worth a sniffle – when the family was having their picture taken. A weaker 3 stars.


Wataši no kirai na tantei (2014) (serie) 

Engels There's not a dry thread in any detective stories here. Here they parody and reference so many great detectives, detective stories, and established clichés in the genre in so many incredible ways that it's perhaps impossible to catch it all. If crime isn't your genre and you don't know many such Japanese series (or even books), then I'll say straight out that there's not much point in watching this, because you're not likely to enjoy it. But if you do like crime, know all the tired clichés, and you watch these kinds of Japanese series, then I say go for it. It's entertaining, Ayame is an incredibly vivacious person, so it's a joy to watch. Plus, Tamaki is no dummy and the two make an interesting detective duo together. I definitely liked it more than the similar series with Matsuoka Shōta Meitantei no okite. Unfortunately, I'm not well-versed enough in Japanese crime dramas yet myself, so for now I'm giving it 3 stars, but I'll come back to it in about two or three years and see if that makes a difference to the rating.


Zero no cukaima - Season 1 (2006) (Seizoen) 

Engels Done. Not bad, but... oddly enough, I wasn't so much annoyed by the characters as I was by the setting and the boring story. It took me a while to convince myself that I wanted to finish watching it, and then when I did finish watching it I took absolutely nothing away from it, basically if I hadn't watched it/seen it at all nothing would have happened. It gave me nothing: nothing new, no excitement, no interesting twist. It was all transparent like the clearest river, tasteless, merely existing, perhaps even pleasing to the eye, but if you look more closely you finds that the water is undrinkable. I won't continue with the next seasons, I wasn’t convinced that it’s worth devoting any of my time to it. I did find some things a little amusing here and there, but even so, it's not worth watching another season. Totally average anime where nothing stands out. 50%.


Baempaieo geomsa (2011) (serie) 

Engels I found the vampire guy incredibly likable, he's a blast to watch. It's not bad, kind of a nice crime drama with a supernatural element, but unfortunately without a hint of surprise or at least a feeling of "oh wow, I wasn't expecting that". That's why it gets 3 stars. A good looking guy isn’t everything, no matter how good looking he is.


S - Saigo no Keikan (2014) (serie) 

Engels At first it pretends not to take itself seriously, but then it suddenly gets serious and pretends to be a solid story, even though the absurd elements remain. And I really didn't care for that. The villain plays tough, but ends up talking instead of taking action... It does have Mukai, it does have the swashbuckling Ayano, but I still wasn't really interested. All the bullshit that killing anyone is wrong has been heard before, and frankly it’s easier to listen to in stupid Naruto than it is here. Unfortunately Mukai got a character that I don't really like, and I honestly don't care what happens to him, so if he dies or gets shot to death I'll just shrug my shoulders and go get something to eat. On the other hand, the side characters are a lot more interesting than he is, so it's worth sticking it out and watching to the end, which is open-ended; after all we still have a feature film to go. More of a weaker 2 stars. For what it proclaims to be, it turned out to be something else entirely, boring, with a sniper who looks good in a suit or coat. Good for fans of Mukai, Gô, and the source material for comparison.