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Recensie (98)


Skyfall (2012) 

Engels A slightly slower start, but a grand finale. You can really feel a big difference between the first and second half of the film. Unlike Quantum of Solace, Mendes doesn't try to cram everything into an hour and a half like Forster, but develops the plot much more slowly and thus more naturally. The editing also calmed down with the pace, something I appreciate, especially because of the last Bond film, where the insane editing speed was more like a trailer than a movie. I would also like to praise the exotic and domestic locations. Thanks to this, much of the film is finally taking place in London and Scotland after many years. Of the new actors, Ralph Fiennes and Naomie Harris were great choices, but the new Q has so far failed to convince me. Otherwise, all credit to Bardem, who ranks among the best villains ever to rival Bond. The ending with the denouement was one of the most accomplished in the whole series and got me excited for the next episodes.


Strength and Honor: Creating the World of 'Gladiator' (2005) 

Engels A documentary covering almost everything important and interesting that took place in the backstage of the film. It's divided into parts, but above all it focuses on the storyline, including the main plot, the concept of which is thoroughly explained by the authors. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about the film.


The Dark Knight Rises (2012) 

Engels A legend completed with more than dignity. My expectations were high and I also promised myself to avoid any comparisons with The Dark Knight (Bane with the Joker), but now I can safely say that even if I did, it wouldn't change my view of the final episode; the film is basically flawless. The atmosphere is dense, Zimmer's incessant music is perhaps even the best of the whole series, and the actors are excellent. Even the presence of the new Catwoman made me happy. The ending itself was, in my opinion, both right and fitting for the series. Now all we can do is wish that Christopher Nolan will continue to make great films.


Prometheus (2012) 

Engels I can tell you in advance that after the trailers I had only the highest expectations of Prometheus, and they were only partially fulfilled. First of all, I would definitely praise the film's stunning visuals and production design, which keep it above average compared to others. The shooting locations were chosen perfectly. Of the actors, I would definitely single out Charlize Theron and Fassbender, although I think his role in particular could have benefited a lot more with a better script. And that is actually the film’s biggest problem, the script. It can be endlessly reiterated that the film was crazily edited into the theater due to its length, but filmmakers of Ridley's calibre should be able to handle these situations. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case with Prometheus. Although there are noticeable gaps in the story from the beginning, the plot is still coherent, but later in the film everything falls apart and all that remains is pure slush. The final reference to Alien (after all that was not related to it at all) cannot be explained as anything other than a very stupid joke.


The Avengers (2012) 

Engels Honestly, I didn't really expect it to be this great, and I certainly didn't expect to spend half the film laughing at the various flawless innuendos, gags and banter between the characters. But it is definitely not just a comedy. The film also exudes a strong atmosphere and several scenes will become uncompromisingly etched in the viewer's memory. I was amazed at how much it was rather sci-fi from the far-future at some stages. Three cheers for director Whedon, who proved to be a hit and will surely speak many more times in the world of cinema in the future.


Paul (2011) 

Engels Unfortunately, I was expecting something a little different from Paul than the end result. I like the films with Pegg and Frost mainly because of their dry English humour, which was totally missing here. I think that if the third of the famous trio, Edgar Wright, had been put in charge of directing, the potential of the film would have been much better used. In fact, in the film, this duo only play second fiddle, because if anyone is pulling it off, it's the stoned alien Paul himself. His digital rendering and all his grimaces are absolutely flawless. The humour itself was not so accomplished, although there were some hints parodying well-known science fiction, but most of it was classically American humour. This is one of the reasons why the British actors did not have a chance to make a significant impact. Setting aside my expectations, I still got an above average comedy, but one that had for a lot more than that.


Band of Brothers (2001) (serie) 

Engels Amazingly shot series with the best take on the WWII that you can see. From the moment I met the cast of characters in Episode 1, I cared about all of them, and it stayed that way until the end. And on top of that a wonderful soundtrack, set design, effects, sound. This is how you properly use a generous budget.


Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) 

Engels A brilliant breather that captivates you from the very beginning to the end. It's certainly not a flawlessly made film, but it follows Abrams's third episode quite faithfully. Compared to the latter, the filmmakers paid more attention to the jokes and the gadgets, which don't seem unnecessary in the film. On the other hand, though, the film lost all surprise. But it still is the best spy action movie of the year.