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Recensie (10 817)


Möbius (2011) 

Engels The Möbius strip is a phenomenon that they managed to incorporate into the movie in this case. I was wondering how they would do it, and they almost succeeded, but that unexpected twist, which has no explanation, is nice, but I think it could have done without it. It would have worked better and had a greater consistency throughout the entire film.


Rosa (2011) 

Engels Regardless of the story, in this case, the slightly theatrical but still very impressive visual side literally excited me. It's like something from a horror circus, which I immensely like. Another story would fit better, something truly horror, but still, at times, it manages to create a great atmosphere.


The Prince (2014) 

Engels Nice cast of actors, even though the familiar faces are in smaller roles. Actually, it doesn't really matter because this journey to find the missing daughter is quite enjoyable. Nothing groundbreaking, nothing overly intense, but overall it works quite well, so I am more satisfied than dissatisfied.


The Other Woman (2014) 

Engels Not... There are a few good moments there and Kate Upton has nice breasts, but how it all turns out in the end, how the good guys win, it's so terribly predictable that it's hard to bear. Just another Hollywood nonsense that is not afraid of even toilet jokes, which have no substance in this performance. Well, I didn't expect anything more, and I didn't get anything more.


Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) 

Engels James Cagney might deserve a better rating and it would probably be appropriate to take into account the time when it was filmed, but this is still a heavily promotional film that sometimes has a bit too much pathos. However, James Cagney displays his mastery. Truly an excellent actor. It's just that the film itself is not that great.


Le Petit Dragon (2009) 

Engels Bruce Lee is an icon and I simply love him. His movies are great, it's just a shame that there are so few of them. This is an excellent, funny tribute to the martial arts master, which is also formally well-executed. It has humor and lightness throughout. Some might see it as disrespectful to the master, but I would take it as a big and entertaining honor.


The Maid's Room (2013) 

Engels Such a somewhat simple crime and punishment, when half of the runtime, the film pretends to be something completely different than what it actually is. Many elements from the first part are then completely unnecessary, as they only distract attention from what actually happens. It is a poorly written script, which is a pity, otherwise the film could have been enjoyable.


The Dead (2010) 

Engels Zombies in the movie "The Dead" quite resemble classic zombie as voodoo dolls, but at the same time, it is insanely bloody. It's just a pity that there are occasional poorly executed effects, but there aren't many of them. Story-wise, it's a classic journey, but I don't mind that. In Africa, there are many dangers lurking, and they are presented excellently here. After a long time, I saw a serious zombie movie that is definitely worth it.


The Magnificent Ambersons (1942) 

Engels It is quite recognizable that it is a film by Orson Welles, there is excellent camera work, a well-structured screenplay, and great acting, but unfortunately, it is somehow everything that left me rather cold. Perhaps I will have to give the film a second chance later, just like I did with "Citizen Kane".


El empleo (2008) 

Engels Great allegory on how we really treat some people. It is not completely original, you can see this elsewhere, but in this rather depressive and quiet performance, it is still unique and good. It leaves you with the belief that you could occasionally act a little differently.