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Recensie (10 848)


The Fighter (2010) 

Engels I always wonder how it is still possible for another boxing movie to be successful. But when I see it, I realize that it is still possible. Stallone proved it several times with his Rocky, and definitely with his latest contribution. Martin Scorsese did not let himself be embarrassed either, and now he has also made his dream project come true, as did Mark Wahlberg. He deserves all the credit, but just like boxer Micky Ward has problems with the attention mainly focused on his brother Dicky, Mark Wahlberg disappears in the shadow of his colleagues. When Christian Bale won an Oscar for his role as Dicky, it was a bit disappointing for me, because I wished it for Geoffrey Rush for his unbelievable performance in "The King's Speech". But what Christian demonstrates in "The Fighter" is simply incredible. He doesn't act, he is the character. There aren't many actors like him, including Meryl Streep and the aforementioned Geoffrey Rush, but Bale deserves all the credit. He was not afraid of a character who is not a hero, who is negative, who has many character flaws, but he managed them all in such a way that you won't look for Bruce Wayne in him for a moment. Credit where credit is due. More:


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) 

Engels What can be so great about a film where one character ages backwards? Haven't we seen this before? Of course! Arabela... However, this is based on the work of Francis Scott Fitzgerald, who is definitely not some B-list writer, but one of the most acclaimed writers of the last century. Furthermore, incredible names have come together in the adaptation - David Fincher, Brad Pitt, and Cate Blanchett. David Fincher has shown that the new millennium is his era. Films like "Se7en" and "Fight Club" hinted at what he is capable of, and now he is selling it fully. "The Social Network," "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," these are all films that will not leave you indifferent. Especially not "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," which can confidently be counted among such brilliant films as "Forrest Gump" or "Big Fish." Beautiful imaginative stories where we experience the incredible lives of amazing, albeit fantastic characters. Beauty and sadness come together in a wonderful story. More:


The Sentinel (2006) 

Engels Michael Douglas once protected the president, so why shouldn't he continue to do so for the rest of his life? So far he's been successful, mainly to ensure that the president doesn't find out that his best bodyguard is fooling around with his first lady. "The Sentinel" pretends to be a great thriller, but in the end it's missing something big. Besides the fact that it's clear from the beginning how it will all turn out, the whole thing is transparent to the point of painfulness. However, as I said, the beginning is great. Agents are dying, no one knows why, and the excellent Kiefer Sutherland appears on the scene, who could be a great character, but his hero is burdened by personal problems. Nothing can be done, but the suspense dissipates because you already know who will be accused, even though in the end he is able to justify himself and blah blah blah, the American hero is simply an American hero, even if he is having an affair with the First Lady. But that's also a bit of America, right? A bit of rebellion. A thriller that had a good start... straight from the cliff. More:


Charlie Wilson's War (2007) 

Engels Tom Hanks has decided to tarnish his image a bit and play a character who is not the fool that Forrest Gump was. He has a weakness for women and will sleep with anyone. His office looks like a hotel for high-class prostitutes and his effort is exactly what cost America the Twin Towers in a few years. The film is a satire. Well, it should be a satire, but it's not funny enough and especially not biting enough. So an incredible problem is being addressed, a history that shaped the future, but at the same time, it is not really criticized, everything is within limits so as not to cause too much controversy. Why is it not more biting? Isn't it possible to step on America's toes more? Isn't Russia's invasion of Afghanistan and American support for the Afghans reason enough for someone to really oppose America? If not this, then I don't know. Tom Hanks won't offend anyone, nor will Julia Roberts, but I can't say I was thrilled by this political satire. Everything is within limits, everything is fine. More:


Charlotte's Web (2006) 

Engels There were times when Dakota Fanning was just a cute little girl who knew how to scream properly and look pretty. Then she started sucking necks, I mean, sucking on necks... No, I mean, she became a vampire. But that doesn't matter here anyway. "Charlotte's Web" is exactly the kind of story where her face fits. The film was based on the book of the same name, which was successful in America, but that doesn't excuse its naivety, which it tries to redeem with a bit of final sadness. The plot doesn't really differ from similar films that aim to impress and target a young audience. Half of the animated films are like that. Dakota knows how to play well with animals, the animals speak with the voices of well-known actors, and on top of that, there is this unbelievably cool pig that just has to win you over. The story was originally a novel, but it could just as well be a relatively short story. Same goes for the film. More:


The Big Boss (1971) 

Engels "The Big Boss" is the first film that brought more success to Bruce Lee's legend outside of his homeland. Considering it is "just" a kung fu movie, the story is quite decent. Cheng (Bruce Lee) returns home from his travels to find that conditions are not completely good. Look for drugs behind everything. But at first, it seems like he won't have to break his promise to never fight again. His loved ones can handle it for him. However, there comes a moment when he has to strike. That moment is the disappearance of his cousin, with whom he had a good relationship. It seems that all the clues lead to the boss of the company where Cheng himself is employed. The fishery, where ice is filled with drugs. Cheng manages to become something like a capo, whom the boss relies on. The beloved employee suddenly becomes cursed because he conspired with the boss. But Cheng eventually understands and sets out on the right side of good, culminating in a great final fight, which is not yet at the level of the movie "Enter the Dragon," but it is still damn good. This person had incredible physicality and unbelievable abilities. At the same time, he proved to be a good actor who not only knows how to fight but also masters the comedic pose, as well as the serious one. Above all, the film deserves an above-average rating for Bruce. More:


Frost/Nixon (2008) 

Engels Ron Howard is a patriot, he really goes all out. Americanism and pathos can be felt in every one of his films - in all directions. Well, Americans are generally proud of themselves, let's wish them that. What he shows in the film "Frost/Nixon" is a celebration of the nation. Besides that, there is, of course, an effort to portray an American "hero" in his "true" colors. Nixon is a controversial figure and will remain so. A person who says that what the president does cannot be illegal because if the president does it, it is automatically legal cannot be a controversial figure. Frank Langella delivers an incredible performance, as does Michael Sheen, Kevin Bacon, or Sam Rockwell. Frank, however, outshines them all, among other things, because the make-up artists brilliantly had their way with his face. It is not a perfect Nixon, but he is as close as possible to maintaining some of Langella's traits. But the actors carry the film, which is nothing more than a reconstruction of the making of the interviews conducted by David Frost with Richard Nixon. I think watching the interviews themselves would bring the same, maybe even more. The film attempted to portray all the characters as real, but still couldn't resist caricaturing and simplifying them into "strong" shots. Without the performances, the film was nothing. More:


Hell Ride (2008) 

Engels Quentin Tarantino likes similar films. Violence, erotica bordering on porn, tough guys, sand, weapons, honor, and things like that. That is probably why he decided to back the film "Death Proof," which ended after the first few minutes. The story lacks cohesion, unnecessarily revolving around a huge number of characters, so that only two or three are truly important. The dialogues are truly terrible, and I often wondered why the hell those people were saying something like that? It doesn't make any sense at all. Choosing attractive women, a few famous names, this is not a guarantee of success. The film is boring because the action is minimal. It copies Tarantino, or rather steals from him, but it falls far below his level. The best thing about the film is the poster. More:


Epic Movie (2007) booh!

Engels So far the most terrible thing I've seen this year. Nothing new under the sun, but this is not a movie. This is misery. Where is the humor when scenes from other movies are lined up, pretending to be different and funny? Is this the answer to the modern definition of satire? If so, I really wonder where society is heading. What am I supposed to laugh at in this movie? That all the actors embarrass themselves and are unable to make a single joke funny? Firstly, it's not even possible. Secondly, why??? Do those actors need to make so much money? Is no one capable of making fun of movies in a sophisticated way anymore? "Naked Gun" was also awkward, but there were jokes that made you laugh. I hope someone comes along who can make satire. And forget about miserable toilet humor, shots of breasts when they don't know what else to do, and show us that we can laugh at intelligent things too. I hope it happens soon. More:


Slipp Jimmy fri (2006) 

Engels And we're getting to the worse part. However, Christopher Nielsen had a great idea. He won't be filming any animated film that Hollywood promotes. Nothing childish and kind, but a properly sharpened film that will be vulgar, show us copulation, and even one terrible elephant that should die right at the beginning. Simon Pegg took over the rewriting into English and made the film accessible to the masses. Unfortunately, it's not worth it. The jokes are not good, the situations are bizarre. Kevin Smith may have been able to build a plot about freeing animals from laboratories, but that doesn't apply to "Jimmy". It's all a little green - meaning ecological - and it tries to get us there by talking a lot about... nothing. The rhythm is good, it's a shame the humor is missing. What's worse is the animation. It simply fails. It should present us with caricatures, but the animation quality itself is terrible. I was looking forward to the film, but it's not worth it. One addicted elephant won't save everything, especially when you constantly have the urge to trip up his crooked legs. More: