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Recensie (1 896)


Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) 

Engels A romantic drama about the lives of three very different sisters, offering a glimpse into their everyday problems, spiced up with a good deal of wit and irony, which was Woody Allen's forte. It was he, and then Dianne Wiest, who pulled the whole film together as far as the cast was concerned. The script was very well written, and even though it smacked of cliché at times, I still laughed many times (yes, thanks again to Allen). In short, a star-studded American film that is not flawless, but as an afternoon's diversion, it is just perfect.


Aliens (1986) 

Engels James Cameron is a master with a capital M, and when he took over the director's chair from Ridley Scott, he certainly didn't do the first Alien a disservice. Cameron doesn’t skimp, in fact, that word may not even be in his vocabulary, and delivers a perfect and technically proficient sequel about alien monsters. Of the cast, Bill Paxton honestly bothered me a lot, but otherwise I have no other complaints. The music is pretty unremarkable, but the sound effects are very good. Just looking at the spaceship or the model of the alien queen made me stare and wonder if the movie was really a quarter century old. All in all, a very good sequel with a lot more monsters, action and technical gadgets.


Ryan (2004) 

Engels I guess I was expecting something bigger, deeper, and more engaging from an Academy Award winner, but other than that, I just can't explain how this animated short missed me by a wide margin.


Bunny (1998) 

Engels The animation is a bit average, but this can be forgiven given the year the film was made. The final point was, as it is often the case, really touching.


Rear Window (1954) 

Engels Twenty minutes before the end of the film I was almost 100% sure that my rating would be a clear 4*, but then everything changed. Like Hitchcock's previous Rope, Rear Window takes place on a rather limited setting, but that makes this film all the more engaging and original. The idea of observing the mundane happenings in the lives of the neighbours wasn't a bad one at all, and when an old familiar murder gets involved, it makes for a cracking film. The cast was likable, the cinematography was amazing and so was the production design. In short, a thriller classic from a master director that is full of suspense even after many decades.


Predator (1987) 

Engels The 1980s belonged, among others, to an action muscleman born in Austria, none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger, who starred in many successful sci-fi films of the aforementioned decade. Predator is a brisk, bloody and thrilling trip into the jungle where something else, better said alien, lurks among the trees alongside the soldiers. Jesse Ventura and Arnie had some great lines and the composition of the action scenes was well done, so when you add in a pretty well done Predator, you end up with an above average sci-fi classic that, while not perfect, is definitely worth a watch.


Rope (1948) 

Engels The success of this film rests largely on the outstanding performances of many of the actors involved, especially the central trio of James Stewart, Farley Granger and John Dall. The atmosphere in an apartment somewhere in America thickens unstoppably throughout the film, and the loop of betrayal tightens dangerously around our young criminals who just had to try and kill someone in broad daylight. As the plot builds, the guests' suspicions grow and the question, "Where's David?!" rises to the surface. Brandon and Philip deal with what they've done in completely different ways, and the merry-go-round of events leading to the inevitable ending spins like a top. Hitchcock made a very good thriller, but I found it tedious at times due to the long (but interestingly done) uncut scenes. And the ending could have been a bit better thought out. All in all, a classic that is definitely worth a watch just for the nice running time, but mainly also for the atmosphere and the actors.


RED (2010) 

Engels A perfect cast in a brisk action comedy, which definitely does not mean that if you are old, you are immediately written off, because even "grandpas" and "grandmas" can have a good time. The premise is a bit simplistic and the denouement a bit predictable, but the concept of the action sequences is amazing. John Malkovich is properly wacky, Morgan Freeman and Bruce Willis have charisma, Helen Mirren is grace itself with all the right stuff and Mary-Louise Parker is a natural comedian. All in all, a refreshing respite for an afternoon and I wasn't bored for a moment.


La Vie en rose (2007) 

Engels Edith Piaf was a controversial figure who battled her own demons that consumed her, but despite the countless obstacles in her life, she never gave up what made her immortal, her singing. The film about "The Little Sparrow" is a perfect biopic drama that doesn't lack depth, elegance and appeal. Marion Cotillard gives the performance of her life, she is incredibly believable and I think the Oscar is rightfully hers. The entire film is composed of many time dimensions that are both chronologically and chaotically intertwined, but it makes a great impression. In short, a film that offers a unique perspective on a woman who knew all too well what pain meant.


Muriel's Wedding (1994) 

Engels Muriel is having a really hard time in life, and when it seems that things are looking up, all her hopes disappear into the darkness. But she doesn't give up, and every setback in her life is another offer for the better. Toni Collette is a great actress and she inhabits the role of Muriel wonderfully, faithfully seconded throughout the film by the equally great Rachel Griffiths. At times I laughed my heart out, while at other times I didn't find much to laugh about and sympathised with the fates of each character. All in all, a pleasant Australian movie that offers an ageless ABBA soundtrack alongside a sweet story and solid performances.