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Recensie (2 274)


Rome - Philippi (2007) (aflevering) 

Engels The spectacular battle is the icing on the cake. A lot of storylines reach their conclusion and Marcus Antonius has some fantastic lines. Pullo’s visit to Cicero’s is one of the most bizarre killings of them all. The climax awaits behind the door. "Cut off his hands and nail them to the Senate door. I told the old fool I'd do it … Nobody can possibly say that I don't keep my word."


Toy Story of Terror! (2013) (Tv-film) 

Engels A nice short full of references with the heroes of Toy Story. The villain is classic and predictable, but his omnivorous lizard buddy is awesome.


The Last Days of American Crime (2020) 

Engels (Surely using 5G!) Mr. Bricke, his ex and one sociopathic jerk want to steal one more truck full of money to last them the rest of their lives in free Canada. The idea is fine, but it crashes against the reality. Megaton didn’t handle this well in dramaturgical terms, so the film is two and a half hours long, the action is just average and there are annoying lapses in logic. Ramirez is fine, but he is the only one who is and he can’t save the film on his own. This is an average movie with missed potential; I should have read the comic book by Remender instead. It would have been faster.


Space Force (2020) (serie) 

Engels A parody to all possible series set in space. Highlights include sending an Indian cleaning lady with a parrot into space and a treacherous chimpanzee astronaut. Unfortunately it's inconsistent and for every one great joke there are two mediocre ones.


Rome (2005) (serie) 

Engels The first season offers a great overview of Caesar’s government, building up to an incredible finale. Precise acting, great casting. The story sprints through the most important events, while taking the time to present the everyday face of Rome: shady assholes on every street corner, misleading advertising, spongers and liars everywhere you look. It’s a shame that they avoid large battle scenes, but the fight in the arena in the penultimate episode is pretty hardcore. Season 2 is darker and far more generous overall. The rise of Octavian, who grows from being a clever and rather shy boy into a heartless, calculating bastard, is built up very nicely. Antonius (the fantastic Purefoy) and the finale in Egypt which, squeezing out a more realistic take on the end of those eternally drugged up wrecks from the classic tragedy, leaves you speechless. The production design is amazing and we are even treated to one big battle. This is a good imitation of Game of Thrones, but there is only one original. Have his head salted, so that it survives the journey to Rome.


Borg/McEnroe (2017) 

Engels On TV you can only see them hitting the ball back and forth, but when you go in deeper you find a duel of two wills. Two fanatics for whom losing is almost like dying. Wonderfully filmed, even better acted. One of the most powerful final credits I’ve seen. Excellent music.


X-Men (2011) (serie) 

Engels Ellis’s storyline is unexpectedly dark and, although the violent climax turns into a happy ending at the last minute, the story is put across in an unexpectedly grown-up way for a cartoon. Unfortunately, the lines are too heavily didactic for kids to keep up. The emotions are typically excessive, full of screaming and shrieking. The animation is well done, as they at last succeeded in drawing Wolverine convincingly. Emma Frost and her cleavage are a chapter for themselves. The mutants (the guy who behaves like spray foam and the one who can control your nervous system are very cool) and the absence of Magneto are big pluses. I liked Xavier’s original voice.


ZeroZeroZero (2020) (serie) 

Engels Just how many trials and tribulations does poor old cocaine have to go through to reach the junkies of Europe? It reminded me a little of the bullets in Lord of War, just strung out to last eight hours. 000 has excellent, expansive production design. Monterrey, part of the US-African supply line (this is the best viewing) and of course beautiful Calabria, where Don waits for his package. The way it’s all tied together through flashbacks is excellent for building up the tension, although it takes a little while to get used to. The actors are confident in their roles. The screenplay is annoying at times, especially when it slips into boring, sleep-inducing routine. It should have had more editing, maybe even cutting out a whole episode to keep the story from losing pace. The best scenes include the ravenous pigs that are always ready to help out their masters. Italians solve problems the old-fashioned way.


Capone (2020) 

Engels An eccentric creative view of the last year of Al Capone’s life. Hardy feels at home with the bizarre and his transformation into a doubly incontinent, syphilitic wreck is perfection itself. The screenplay is more a series of hallucinations created by his failing brain (trying desperately to remember where he buried those ten million bucks) mixed with reality and memories of torture and killing. It is both shocking and surprising (gouging eyes out), but also lacking any prominent storyline. Calling him Fonzo does more harm than good, because it makes everyone expect a classic mafia movie. Krusty the Clown with a golden Tommy gun just won’t cut it.


Tales from the Loop - Loop (2020) (aflevering) 

Engels A captivating slow tale of looping and growing up. Visually beautiful, wonderful music. A refreshing counterpoint to the cluttered shows of today.