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Recensie (2 278)


Up in the Air (2009) 

Engels I’d like to fly one day. These days it sounds almost ridiculous, but I’ve never ever flown anywhere. But that feeling of abandonment and freedom that flying represents is so tempting for me... and Ryan Bingham lives in the clouds. It’s hard not to envy him. He has a super job that he enjoys (I liked that too) and it allows him to fly here, there and everywhere. But the day came when he couldn’t and his life begins to change. I’ve seen thousands of sentimental movies about life, but why is Up In The Air so much better? Is it the dry lines, the pleasant actors or the atmosphere? Maybe all of that and maybe it’s because each one of us can find a part of themselves in this story. Credit carders, glues or diligent workers. Luckily, Jason Reitman doesn’t stay at everything being cool and fine, but he shows the other side of the coin too. People losing their jobs. That’s what it’s all about. You have to be able to balance everything and Reitman did a perfect job of it. Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack...


Orphan (2009) 

Engels I certainly wouldn’t show the brutal beginning to expecting mothers, it was even a bit much for me, but otherwise a superb genre movie. In fact, I even considered giving it a five, but I didn’t find one of the twists at the end convincing (on the other hand it did mean that the always superb Karel Roden made an appearance). But in my opinion... the hammer hit the nail right on the head. :)


Adventureland (2009) 

Engels A classic movie about how some people were made for each other and some aren’t, wrapped in a story for youngsters around the age of 20. The Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg duo carry the entire Adventureland forward and everything seems somehow wonderfully natural. It’s a really enjoyable watch.


A Serious Man (2009) 

Engels What on earth have the Coens done? Maybe it’s because I don’t like movies with a Jewish theme, nor am I too keen on the 70s, but I would be willing to come to terms with both if there had at least been some sort of story to it. The idea is good, but a couple of interesting shreds, some cases of director’s finesse and a powerful ending is just too little, IMHO.


L.A. Confidential (1997) 

Engels A top-notch crime movie with an excellent cast. I must admit that I sometimes got a little lost in the sea of names and twists, but in the end everything turned out well when I found my feet again and continued watching with eyes out on stalks, watching them get to the bottom of this clever case. A flawless work.


Find Me Guilty (2006) 

Engels How does it go again? Family and friends come first? Old man Sidney Lumet demonstrated that he’s still got it, even though he’s approaching ninety. And Vin Diesel shows that he can act characters different than ultra-tough guys like Riddick or Dom Toretto. It works on your feelings and takes full advantage of the fact that he’s every inch a nice guy. A really nice movie that flies by despite its length. And Vin’s husky voice deals out one snappy line after another. Send me to jail. I'm not guilty, but I'm used to it.


The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009) 

Engels Too bad it doesn’t hold together better, but there are so many great moments in The Men that Stare at Goats that we are happy to forgive the couple that are just “too weird". The cast is first-rate (Clooney and McGregor balance each other perfectly) and it’s just a shame that the authors didn’t squeeze milk the chosen topic of “Jedi warriors" a tiny bit more. There is certainly cult potential in the movie. La tutlek. Ana sahaffi.


Creation (2009) 

Engels I didn’t expect this with CREATION, but I don’t have anything bad to say about the movie. Great direction, an excellent cast (Jennifer Connelly, Paul Bettany and that little girl too) a beautifully captured story about a family, love, losses and about a life strung between science and faith. All this tinged by touching background music by Christopher Young.


Seong lung wui (1992) 

Engels It took me right back to the old days. A classic Chan film, just the way I like it, and this one has two Jackies. And the jokes with the switches are just perfect.


Lost: The Final Chapter (2010) (Tv-film) 

Engels Singing the same old song. But this time probably for the last time (that’s why 5 stars). The last episode recaps are luckily accompanied by the cool voice of Michael Emerson – the baddy, which adds to their atmosphere. However I can’t help thinking that these episodes are just a summary for the less equipped viewers who didn’t get it or for those too lazy to bother to watch the first season. It will at least make the waiting of the hardcore fans a bit more bearable. Ah, yes, and I wanted to say something about the beginning of episode six! I haven’t seen such an excellent start for ages. Answers, questions and the monster rock more than ever. Now there’s a reason...