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Recensie (1 013)


When Time Ran Out... (1980) 

Engels This is the movie equivalent of the "lava game", where you and your friends had to climb up some monkey bars, and if your feet touched the ground you were out. So compared to other disaster movies, unfortunately When Time Ran Out offers very little attractions to make the audience feel any sort of fear for the characters. If I did not feel nostalgic about this movie from my childhood, I would have probably been even stricter. At least the all-star cast makes this movie worth watching.


Class Action Park (2020) 

Engels Have you ever been bothered by the ridges in the water slide scratching your back, and the possibility of another swimmer jumping on your head at a waterpark at any time? Well, that is nothing in comparison to what this documentary shows. Class Action Park is an interesting insight into the inner workings of an amusement park where there were no real regulations, and any problems could be swept under the carpet. It was an unimaginable place of mind-boggling madness from today's perspective, however, one that many people enjoyed with abandon.


The Tomorrow War (2021) 

Engels The Tomorrow War tries to bring a flashy science fiction story with gritty action scenes, strong family drama and a heavy dose of explanatory scenes to the television screen, however, it does none of it consistently, originally or memorably. The next day, after watching it, the only thing that sticks in your mind is that it was fairly paced and sort of OK, if you can get past the rushedness and the many really stupid tropes. All in all, it is just a rehash of many things you have already seen in other movies where they were much more skillfully executed, (especially the recent Edge of Tomorrow, whose finale is blatantly copied in this movie), and is unfortunately just a superficial, big-budget TV movie.


Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021) 

Engels This predictable and gaudy movie may only be any good to audiences if Chris Rock uses it in the future as the punchline for one of the jokes in his stand-up act.


Grizzly Man (2005) 

Engels Werner Herzog offers an academically factual, yet perceptively sensitive look at the fate of a man living in extreme conditions, and consciously living right on the edge. It would be misguided to pigeonhole his complex personality, however you do not necessarily have to identify with, or sympathize, with his viewpoints, yet you are bound to find his story (engagingly told by Herzog), fascinating. It is intriguing just for the fact that Timothy Treadwell, as a complete amateur documentarian, had a very strong spirit regarding movie making, whose incredible footage made this movie possible in the first place. An unexpectedly emotional experience.


Bittere lauweren (1951) 

Engels "Bad news sells best. Cause good news is no news." Billy Wilder could make movies that were clever romps that noone could fault. Ace in the Hole is one of them. The movie’s great strength lies in Kirk Douglas’ performance, as he managed to deliver a wonderfully complex portrayal of an unscrupulous journalist who is aware some of his actions are dastardly, yet pushes the envelope further and further. The turn of events in this movie is perhaps a little too over the top in the end, however, it still manages to do a great job of showing people's thirst for sensationalist news articles, and the absurdity of making a mountain out of a molehill by any means necessary. The movie’s premise is simple, yet very powerful and eloquent at the same time.


The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021) 

Engels This is a tired, corny, and predictable sequel in a franchise where the wellspring of ideas seems to have dried up, permanently exhausted, replaced only by increasingly louder sound effects. The movie makers stretched the movie out to near under a two-hour running time, just because the movie is part of a well-established and commercially successful franchise, however, with such a sparse plot and sluggish pacing, it makes absolutely no sense. The movie is visually appealing, the amount of money spent on this movie is obvious, when you look at the screen, and Patrick Wilson does the best he can with what he has been given to work with, however, otherwise it is just an amalgamation of things we have seen in countless other movies where they were carried out in more imaginative ways.


Cash Truck (2021) 

Engels Guy Ritchie returned to home territory with The Gentlemen, having a bit of a second wind and showing that he has still got the chops to make those sort of blockbuster movies. So, with Wrath of Man, he has proved that he intends to continue on doing that. It is a stylish crime thriller that is a remake of the 17-year-old (and underrated) French movie Cash Truck and adds more angles, a whole lot more action, and a really powerful shot of testosterone, all set to a melodic and dark musical score. It has been a long time since I have been as impressed by the theme tune to a new movie as I was with this. Had it all been a little less predictable, I would have been more satisfied, however, thumbs up nonetheless.


Le Convoyeur (2004) 

Engels This is an unfairly underrated crime thriller set in a security service environment, where a new company is joined by a new employee who may or may not be up to something. Albert Dupontel delivers his poker face perfectly throughout. The movie takes its time, relatively, setting itself up, focusing particularly on showing the bizarre world of the guys working in a dangerous profession, many of whom are more than ready for an appointment with a psychiatrist. However, once the plot reaches a certain final turning point, it explodes with a big showdown, which is a highly imaginative shitstorm of relentless action that is well worth the wait.


Babardeala cu bucluc sau porno balamuc (2021) 

Engels Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn is a movie that defies conventional rating, and I find it almost inappropriate to give it any kind of label. It is a socio-political reflection over three acts, the first of which could be described as a dynamic version of Google Street View, the second as a documentary essay on one hundred and one topics, and the third as a raucous polemic on the controversial central storyline of the entire movie. There are many thought-provoking ideas, and the movie’s bizarre sense of humor works at times, yet the odd structure did not quite sit so well with me personally, and I thought the first third of the movie gave the audience quite a hard time especially.